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Sunday, January 21, 2007 @12:46 PM

being a non-regular clubber, i found that clubbing can be fun, without being slutty and simply chilling out with a couple of friends, getting high yet not wasted. drinking yet not getting high, dancing yet not dirty-dance (although bonnie might beg to differ). well, i saw the other side of bonnie yesterday (effects of what alcohol can do to someone ;))and as i read her blog, i honestly didn't know that she thought so much abt it. it's interesting reading abt another person's POV. well, i did get high but maybe not as high as my two other friends, and it makes me wonder what alcohol can actually do to me if i actually drunk more. maybe you would see a different seeyun as well if i had drunk another two cups.

anyway, we got tix to some SMU sch-reopen bash with a uniform theme. being the usual me, i thought it would be really fun if we dressed in school U instead of going in regular clubbing clothes which alot did, making us feel a bit left out, wondering if we came to the right party and coming out with a fabulous back-up plan of eating a big cake along the road side. but i personally like the outfit a lot. it's jappy, with your own little twist in it. for me, i guess i like my tie the best. ho ho. of course. i chose it for my dad. and apparently bonnie heard someone shouting out of the car that our outfits are sweet or sth

yup, but the party was pretty good actually. maybe i might reconsider going to SMU. i dunno!!! one of the things that was running through my mind was actually

SMU? NUS? SMU? NUS? SMU? NUS? and i just told my mum that i might go to NUS instead. ha, i dunno. AND it's not the party that made me fickle AGAIN. it's the whole ok, uni party link uni link course link A levels link SCHOOL. ARGH! dun like thinking abt it! i actually want to get my results so that i could at least see my future. i'm like how uncertain now, not knowing how badly i have done. i mean it's better to be pessimistic rather than pinning so much hopes and these come crashing down. i think i'll just be more depressed like to the pits.

Monday, January 15, 2007 @3:08 PM

yesterday we had hella of fun. went over to bonnie's place to celebrate her bday early. i'm glad she liked what we gave her. i thought it was really personal and relevant to the problems we are facing now. we gave her this scrapbook and included a modern fairy tale in it. some of us were out of love, some had too many and some just love the unreachable, which equates to bad love life. but the whole story was damn sensual lar..you keep thinking other ways when you read it, or is it just me? and bonnie said sth damn jinxed yesterday and i really thought i told her that. it was quite freaky. i'm like "shit how the hell did you know that?" and i said sth wrong yesterday which kinda revealed my inner thoughts.. AHEM.. but you cant exactly blame me.. i'm the one who say things like "but he only look hot shirtless" with regards to jo's comments on what people would think of me when they see a shirtless man on my phone display pic. I WOULD LIKE TO ADD that there's no longer him in the display. it's a very decent one now. :P

yesterday i got a taste of how the 5 of us had totally different tastes. i cannot believe xinnie doesnt like chocolates. HOW CAN ANYONE NOT LIKE CHOCOLATES?? it's like they have been losing so much in their lives. but people say that to me too when i don't eat beef.. as much as possible i try to avoid it unless it's so processed that you don't even know it's beef. but even ikea meatballs have a cow-y smell to it. and we have moniza who's super picky. HA, so we actually wanted to buy a tub of ice-cream frm island creamery and share (which is so much cheaper) and in the end, we ended up getting our own scoops. nutella is yummy.. just that i cannot finish it coz it's too sweet (and jo thinks it's not nutty enough or sweet enough). but island creamery have the weirdest concoctions ever. who ever eat pulu hitam ice-cream?!? or apple pie ice-cream. i like my ice-cream classic or a little special but not digressing so much frm traditional versions.

after much struggle finishing our ice-cream (except for jo, who will always have a special space in her stomach for ice-cream), we literally went through mud and rain to get booze. but gin generally taste bad and despite people insisting they wanna get drunk, we stopped after the first cup. and had loads of chips though. lays salt and vinegar.. i heart many many.. it's officially my favourite flavour. this is only my 2nd time eating it coz most people don't like it and they don't come in small packages, so i'm glad xinnie and jo like it.

we wanted to have a harry potter marathon. thank god we didn't. i stopped watching harry potter after the first movie coz i find it too boring. trainspotting is good though. ah well.. wicked.. makes you totally turns off drugs. ha.

glad bonnie like the present

sorry this entry came so late coz of screwed up blogger

Monday, January 08, 2007 @7:25 PM

HA, i might be able to spend pretty soon. got a job at kumon marking cum teaching assistant. and it's a job that i wouldn't lose my life coz i've got wed and fri free. so i can still go out on fridays. hahaha.. i like the working hours.. only have to wake up early on mon, thu and sat, and it's only 3 stops down. i'm happy! hope all works well actually.

moni and i only heads one direction in finding a job: to be able to really shop and not window shop. window shop is super painful when you see so many nice shoes, bags and clothes on display. >___<

Saturday, January 06, 2007 @3:47 PM

I am feeling a bit inferior when i read my friends' blogs and some of them have already started work and i'm still lazing around. actually, i went for an interview today at kumon and i really want to work there coz i like the hours despite charging only little. i'm less concerned with the money. i mean, it's not like i've a family to feed. i'm just learning enough for shopping and food. dun even think i'll have much to save. but it's working with kids, so that's a bonus. and i'm trying to see if my dad's friend's sons want tuition. i could earn extra keep in that way. i'm trying to find jobs but everything seem so uncertain. i am actually looking forward to next week when i'll then know my interview results. hope all turn out good!

next week would be a packed week. can't wait. A2 gathering at eunice's place. i missed her house. i remembered before Os, i would always go to her place to study after school, then wait for my dad to pick me up at 6. her mum is a great cook. yum yum, precisely why i can't wait. i miss her shepherd's pie!

then we have bonnie's bday! that's sth to look forward to as well..

oh, i watched death note yesterday. just like any sequel, i thought the first was a bit better and more intense. it depends on how you see it. bonnie felt that it was good precisely coz she was confused and was thinking through the whole movie. for me, i was also a bit confused but as things got enlightened towards the ending, it was actually a pretty good show. trust the japs to come out with such anime. i like L character a lot in this movie. it's less mysterious, more humourous but we still can't figure out what he was thinking. Light became a true devil. before he killed his gf in death note 1, i thought he was actually doing the world some justice, and i actually applauded his actions, but after he plotted his gf's death, i'm like "what a bastard!!!" but you cannot hate him as well, coz he did kill criminals. but the ending was sad, pretty un-anime.

Friday, January 05, 2007 @2:08 PM

As i walked the familar path back to AC on wednesday, it was familar yet foreign. Walking in at 11 in t-shirt and shorts weaving past the security guards who did not say a thing would not have been possible a year ago. yet, as i walked in, the familiar faces i see everyday in school. the teachers. and the first person i saw was eunice. you feel so at home again. i only stayed for the mass rally and i thought (personally) it was disappointing. the ogls were too slow in heeding instructions, so it pushed everything back. but it was only the second day. the ogls need time to familarize themselves with those cheers, to get into the rah-rah mood and the new kids need time to absorb the AC spirit. i would say that orientation is the only time you see a cohort united as one. the bond in the new students would be forged during orientation. i liked my ogl orientation better than my own orientation. that was the time you see seeyun in a totally different light. i've no idea why i could become so super rah-rah, leading in cheers, running around. and yes. love practicing those dance steps. orientation makes seeyun do things she will never do again. but it was definitely an experience i will never forget.

i posted a post after orientation last year not knowing what my members think of me. but as i look back, although i might not have made a difference to someone else's life, i did change mine. honestly i never wanted to be an ogl. it was the pestering of bonnie and andre and saying how i should not waste my two dollar deposit to just go for the interview. and in the end, i ended up being the only one who got in, coz bonnie coldfeet during the interview and purposely do badly :P and it was sad i did not bond with my og partner that much. partly coz i did not attend og camp and i think it's personality issues? but orientation was definitely fun! i remembered allowing my kids to not play too many muddy games coz i didn't wanna get down dirty as well. LOL.

Thursday, January 04, 2007 @8:20 AM

new layout. nice?

ok i decided to un-lock my blog. i realized i have nothing to hide and i'm not politically controversial or incorrect, so i'm actually safe in public's eyes.

not trying to be egoistic in any manner, but i do think that i have my own principles and values when it comes to dealing with my own life. LOL! i'm proud to say i do not follow fads and fashion. i do know what colours and patterns are in, but i wouldn't have to definitely buy it especially when i know this fad is not going to last. like the bubble skirt, i see way too many kids in town wearing it. same design, different colour. i hate wearing the same stuff as people. i seriously hate it. once i saw this girl wearing the same belt as me, i almost flipped :P. ha, that's why i like to shop in little shops everyone. i don't really care that you must buy clothes that are branded. as long as they are decently priced, i would get it. i like my tops around 20-30 bucks. i call it good buy. i'm really into dresses. HA! bonnie we have not get our baby doll dresses :) leggings are really fashionable these days but i refused to get it. i'm glad i have friends who do not follow the crowd either. i cannot imagine myself seeing jo wearing leggings. EWWW. or my mg friends wearing leggings double EWWW (maybe debo :P why are we always so mean to her?? i cannot imagine her cooking on wed. :S)

i had my first job interview yesterday. but i was confused. i thought it was a office that called me up, but it was actually some kind of job agency. so she was interviewing me for some jobs that she could match me. so deceiving. i actually thought i might end up with a job. damn! oh, anyone needs tuitioning? or have people who need tuition? i can give tuition! chinese, english, social studies, history, human geog, mathematics. all primary and secondary school level. tell me k! i just read galye's blog and she was giving tuition as well. me Vs her. ok, forget it. haha

Tuesday, January 02, 2007 @11:47 AM

happy new year peeps! not many people read my blog these days but i guess that's the whole point.

i had my first stress-panic attack of 2007 last night. for a moment, i thought i could end everything once and for all. but i was soft-hearted again and oh well, i guess i gotta wait AGAIN! bonnie was being super forceful, which is good. i felt a tremendous boost after talking to her and hearing her reasoning. i could see her point of view, but to string sentences in your brain is super easy, to actualize them is hard. because i was thinking of different responses that i would get. oh well, i don't like thinking about that. but i figured i had made it super duper obvious

ooh, most of my friends are back in singapore. can't wait to meet up. we need to do things that are cheap. we should be super cheapo. get a meal at somewhere and chill out for the whole afternoon. there's so much catching up to do, esp with my mg peeps. i'm thinking essential brew. i love that place though it's a bit pricey. we can always only buy drinks there (and eat somewhere). i know a lot of us are getting super duper awfully broke. ahem, you know who i am referring to. :P

i am looking forward to my sis starting school at AC tmr. it's gonna be quite cool. i might drop by for a while to the general office to get my award and maybe i would visit my juniors or eat in the canteen. anyone wanna join me?

i'm seriously a shopoholic. i bought 3 pairs of shoes. but they are on offer. only 25 dollars. ha, so i just kept buying. best is they got my size. ok, it's actually not that hard, coz not a lot of people fit into size 5. oh and i got my first dress for CNY. red is my colour. i got a very red dress. fits the festival totally. i am happy today. haha. great shopping. wanna head down to far east next week or later this week. haven't been there since forever


mgs acjc


andre aisyah bonnie chun huat debo gayle gerrad inez jem jo jo's lj jun liane lucas max mich tung ruth shawn shellz yanyun yuenkay zhaohan z-degrees indiesurfer regnyouth sandy's music



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