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Saturday, December 30, 2006 @12:24 PM

i'm actually apprehensive of the new year. this year, you know you gotta face the As, you can't shun away from it, your path's been designated. but 2007 will be a year filled with choices and surprises. next year will come and i got to face it like bam! this year is sheltered but 2007 will be a big step towards adulthood. people will be finding jobs, guys getting into NS, starting out tertiary education. ARGH!! it's stressful thinking about this.

i only started thinking abt working recently after i've seriously run down on my savings. i can never shop with bonnie. ha, we gush over the same thing and made it a point to get it. and we like shopping at the same places. we should only shop again together when we got cash yeah? off topic, but we are huge fans of FOS! :)

now i'm rambling

i realized a lot of mistakes were made in early half of 2006 but things got straightened out as the year passes. it's time like this that you regretted what you have done and wished that you haven't done things in that fashion. these problems exploded simply because i was hestitant and couldn't make up my mind. but now that i have, let's wish that things really will get sorted out. i really don't want it to haunt me anymore, especially in 2007, where i want a new beginning.

i also realized the vulnerability of relationships and understood the mechanics of it. even if you have been together with someone for long, it doesn't mean that you can take someone for granted or be so comfortable that it's no more a relationship of a partner but simply a family member. yup, so one of my resolutions for 2007 was to treasure everyone around me. just don't be too complacent.

alritey to all who's reading my blog, have fun in the last few hours of 06 and be hopeful and optimistic towards the new year! :)

Tuesday, December 26, 2006 @9:31 AM

disclaimer: i like the google version! haha. this makes me very the happy. i heart google many many.

actually my christmas wasn't all so bad after all. except for christmas eve. HAHA. the reason why i locked my blog previously was also because i wanted to throw a bitch tantrum, but i got more fed-up with blogdrive that i forgot about it. let's not talk about it coz a lot of people have heard about it. but yesterday when i heard something, i felt quite bad. actually it wasn't my fault, but oh well, the hint should be obvious enough.

but sat was pretty good. mg friends are really great friends. MG bonds everyone together. i hung out with my cousin's mg friends and 2 german friends and we had a pretty good time. i could chat with them, find out about unis in singapore, crapping abt ac teachers. it was cozily nice. and baileys with caramel is so so so so good!! it's like ice-cream. oh and my banana cake was a success! haha, seeyun can really bake. JO, let's bake together soon!!! i think i might like baking soon. domestic housewife in the making.

yeah and yesterday i was having mother-kid bonding. went to a sale in the city and got a couple of office wear just in case i got a job. you never know man. stay optimistic. i had applied with moe to do reliefing. hope all goes well. *cross fingers*. i would so rather do that than office work man. yup, and we went to J8. i finally got to shop J8.. i know i'm damn slow.. haha, i like those shops there maybe also of the sales.

headed down to my aunt's place. we had fondue. actually i had more on saturday, but fondue is fun. someone should get me a fondue set. it's really cheap apparently. it's the fountain that is super ex. hmm, then we went for another mg gathering. the world is really small. rachel kok's my cousin's friend's mum's friend's kid. complicated. yar, but i saw her and she didn't seem to recognize me. so i didn't go out to invite her for poker. i think i can play poker now!
merry christmas and don't dread the new year ahead..

let's guess what my next post will be..


reflections.. (predictable)

Sunday, December 24, 2006 @8:37 AM

i just gotta post this. this totally makes my christmas! haha

(bonnie, i know you will hella love this as way)

*gushing teenage girls*

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Saturday, December 23, 2006 @1:29 PM

haha, my sis is such a meanie. i was trying to bake banana cake for the first time and she's been baking it forever, but she keeps criticizing me coz she's such a pro. CHHHH.. and she refused to help me with the oven. GRRRR..

let's hope it turns out all fine.


it should taste fine! haha, let my cousin's friends taste it!

seeyun can bake! :)

Friday, December 22, 2006 @1:15 PM

well well, i decided that i should just give it a 2nd chance, cause i can't seem to lock my blog on blogdrive. and i felt that i need to have my little corner of privacy. yes, it's not easy to find my blog but it's still possible when you google it. so there you go. i got a stupid password again. haha

Oh, like i told bonnie couple of days ago, i know who won survivor. if you don't want to know, stop reading my post NOW!!!

YUL WON!!!!!!!!! hahahaha.
the asian in me feel very happy for him, especially when the last three are all minorities in the states. 2 asians and 1 hispanic (ozzy). but i cannot get past the fact that ozzy was in some playboy video. i didn't watch it (i refused to) but i saw pics and it was disturbing. from then on, i cannot look at him in the same way. but he's definitely up there in strength. practically all the individual immunities were won by him, which was probably why despite being a most dangerous threat, he managed to make it into top 3. but survivor's not just strength and the jury are not all himbos or bimbos. it's indeed darwinistic in nature but there's an extra element to it. and if we see who were those who voted for yul and who voted for ozzy, ozzy practically got those childish/immature votes while yul really played the game well for him to get voted.

anyway, he's really damn good, especially after the mutiny and even candice and adam saw it in him despite calling him a puppet master. he's really good player and he's very lucky throughout. getting the immunity idol so early in the game and manipulating his way throughout. and it's really good he got becky, fellow korean, as his ally, making his job much easier. after mutiny, the four in aitu were so close and reflected in how they rose to be the last 4 in survivor.

ahhh, i like this survivor season but i only managed to watched clips on cbs. and channel 5 takes super long!! i can't believe there are only showing mutiny (i think) tonight. i am looking forward to the next season as well. apparently the tribe is divided into two: one in luxury and one in exile. should be interesting


mgs acjc


andre aisyah bonnie chun huat debo gayle gerrad inez jem jo jo's lj jun liane lucas max mich tung ruth shawn shellz yanyun yuenkay zhaohan z-degrees indiesurfer regnyouth sandy's music



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