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Sunday, July 23, 2006 @8:51 AM

i got tagged by jo

Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 6 weird facts/things/habits about yourself, saying who tagged you. In the end you need to choose the 5 people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs.

1. when i eat something i like, i can see the same thing everyday for the next few weeks till i get sick of it. i eat in cycles (much to the annoyance of jo)

2. i don't like pink. i just happen to fancy pink stuff. there's a difference

3. i admit i whine way too much, unknowningly

4. i tend to buy a lot of bags, earrings, shoes, instead of clothes. so i'm clothes-deprived

5. i think long as a guy has a great body, he's hot

6. i ogle over guys with big alluring eyes, but who i end up having a crush on is quite different

i don't want to tag back because i realize too little people have access to my blog and people who read my blog don't have a blog

i wanted to post this loong ago, but i can't think of 6 things, which jo says people thought about it within 5 mins

oh, today the unis came down to ac for a mass open house

i am very impressed by NTU presentation, mass comm. i might consider that together with a minor or another major in humans and arts
then smu has always been a choice
nus FASS would be my last choice

we started this whole stupid read the abbreviations thing. like SMU is not S-M-U but smu (read: s-moo) N-U-S (nus) and NTU (n-tu).
then MRT (mart)

we are high. seriously. so i started. i want to go to the B-u-s-s-t-o-p
and bonnie took a while to get it.

Saturday, July 22, 2006 @8:05 PM

blogger hates me. i hate blogger. we have a mutual relationship. damn it. it keeps dying on me

btw, today is my happy day. i feel so light now. no more interact after i sent my last email to beehoon. muahaha.

Sunday, July 16, 2006 @11:26 AM

i finally got down to watching michael moore's bowling for columbine. basically, it is about violence in the United States, in particular, shoot-outs, murders due to the ease of purchasing guns. there are less humour in this as compared to fahrenheit 911, just a couple of cute animation and i love the music in the documentary. it's dark humour. it touched on the columbine high school shootout whereby 2 guys shot over 10 students. i don't want to call it a massacre as someone in the documentary called it. while i think these kids were at fault, there should be triggering factor that cause this abnormal behavior. the media, cos they are so hung up with this slogan 'if it bleeds, it leads', or the rock-and-roll music, marilyn manson, or simply because you can purchase guns and bullets just a footstep out of your house.

but it was heartwarming to see how two boys who were injured in the shoot-out (one was paralysed waist-down, the other could barely stand and had bullets still embeded in him). together with moore, they managed to get kmart to stop selling bullets. it was seriously a damn big achievement

what was fustrating in the documentary was the NRA guy, Heston. after the columbine shoot-out, he went there for a pro-gun rally. after the flint incident (where a six-year old shot a six-year old), he went there again for another pro-gun rally. but i was skeptical about it cos they were too many cuts and paste, just like bush in fahrenheit so i went to look more into it


but still it's undeniable that guns is a major problem in the states. at least 11000 murder cases are reported in a year as compared to 67 cases in Canada, which accessibility to guns are just about the same as the states. Americans are just paranoid over tiny things.. i believe, because of the media. blacks = criminals and all that shit.

moore went to canada and did this little survey, found out that most of the canadians don't lock their door. this canadian said " the americans

Thursday, July 13, 2006 @8:20 PM

i swear i have a thing against all williams. i swear. fucking hell. williams irritate the hell out of me. grrrrr.. i don't want to do anything regarding interact anymore. you are in charge. do your work, idiot!!!! he wears a mask and then behind the scene, he's frantic like hell and get nothing done. what a fake!

end of bitch fit.

what a mindless post. but i need to vent anger or i'll just explode and die!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006 @8:18 PM

so azzurri blue won. at first i was pretty happy cos i am not a french fan. but then again i never liked italy cos they are such dirty players. i was so disappointed in the aussie match when they are all out to take revenge on hiddink for causing their early exit in skorea in 2002. but cannovaro and toni are hot.

you never knew why zidane was so emotional at that point of time. then as the day passes and more reports were made and i got to know this french better, i admire him. i'm pretty sure he got provoked or else why would he lose his cool when the match is almost over? do you know he's a muslim. i never knew that. ok. that's random. but now i can't stand the italians. stupid racist people. but i still love my pasta. ah well, i'm so contradicting.

something i concluded about world cup is that most footballers have a humble past and it's amazing how they grew up and be world stars. they are all family man. most, other than those who have millions of flings.

anyway, ENOUGH of football. it will be a long time till i touch this topic again. think south africa 2010?

my my, johnny depp is my current crush. he's such a cool man. i rewatched pirates and woo-hoo, he's such a talented actor. i love him in charlie and the chocolate factory. he has the ability to be different in every role, unlike orlando bloom. sigh. he and keira knightley are such a match, a girly guy and a manly woman. i had an overdose of her this week, watchin (dunno number how many times) bend it like beckham. i want to watch pirates 2!!!!!

i want to watch 4:30!

i want to watch thank you for smoking!

so many wants, but with scarce resources. ha, economics at work here. damn it.

Friday, July 07, 2006 @2:40 PM

portugal lost. muahaha. i'm so happy. c.ronaldo is the biggest asshole on the field

18 year old girls have raging hormones in us. we can be one hell of a horny pig. the things we talked during the past few days have been really R-rated. must be how our lives have been saturated with hot guys (world cup) and the need to release the lust for them, we need to talk about them. i really wanted to post pics of these hotties, but my cousin thinks that i should stop posting pictures. i want to post this really good story i read online. i told the story to some of my friends but it's really different when you read it and when i narrate it. the whole language and tone is different. but it's really long.

i post it in the next post

Tuesday, July 04, 2006 @5:32 PM

i was watching ten things i hate about you. yes i know it's a darn old show and i remembered watching it really really looong ago, cos my dad was watching with me and he was like "this is so familiar". heath ledger is hot in there but i think he's much better in brokeback. i don't like guys with long hair. but he was really cool and young in the movie.

we had this conversation in class during recess about world cup. yes, world cup, you know 22 boys running after a ball, and all the tackling, free kicks, off-sides. i'm just writing what i understand about football or soccer if you like. anyway, yes we are talking about footballERS. haha. not that the ball makes no sense to us, i insist they do. I WATCH FOOTBALL AND I UNDERSTAND THE BLOODY GAME, OKAY. although i am a girl and i prefer the ogling at guys part about football. moniza has this huge fetish with german boys. my my! she thinks klose and ballack is hot. i think they prolly just have a hot body. but we both think that torres is really cute, but the pictures she cut out of him was bad. the ultra man post, i thought that was really dorky. kaka's my new hottie, but argh.. he's married. damn it.

i think beckham is hot, just that he is not a good player. i was so sad when i saw pictures of him crying and his kids were crying. i cannot stand it when a kid cries. i feel so sorry for brooklyn. but i think victoria loves to have a girl way too much. why do romeo looks so much like a dumb blonde with flowing long hair? i think lampard is really cute as well. haha, and then we have our korean footballers. jo jae jin. go google him. he has a really good body. world cup is really saturated with hotties.

but i swear christano ronaldo is the most fucked up footballer. he's such a whiny crybaby and telltale. i bet when he was in school, he's the teacher's pet, sucking up to the teacher all the time. to put in moniza words "whatever foul he must have a word to it. even if he is 40m away, he will run to the referee and say something" and she does it with the dramatic running effect.

ahh well, too much ranting.

Sunday, July 02, 2006 @1:27 PM

Caught Superman at Grand ! Come to think of it! Watching movies has become a norm for me on weekends! Superman didnt disappoint me! i was thrilled from start to finish! about 140mins of rolling time! maybe i was disappointed that the bad boldy guy didnt DIE! Rating this show, i give it 4/5! The makers of the movie didnt forget Christopher Revees! touching! heard he fell during a stunt and has since become paralyzed. Poor him! Is he dead? havent heard of him recently !

(i read this when i was blog-hopping) my god!!! @!@#$#%^ how can someone be so ignorant, dumb and disgusting. period. so i tagged, and i was being really nice about it, that he's dead and his wife is dead as well, cos i'm 100% confident that he doesn't know that.

and as i was complaining about how americans are stupid because they think that singapore is in china and southeast asia is part of china and if we tell them that singaporeans live in tree-houses in jungles they would believe, i realize that i must also realize that a majority of the locals are just as dumb. they might think that canada is in the United States and there's no difference between North and South America. and to think the writer for that blog has gone through 10 years of compulsory education and is bombarded with entertainment news and gossip everyday. the most he can do is to google christopher reeves, and even CNA has made a tribute for this loving couple.

but that made my day because i realize there are many stupid people out there and even though i'm not that smart, i'm not too stupid either. (really self-comforting.. *roll eyes*)

i'm sorry for being so mean. haha, i just can't help it when i read his blog.

Saturday, July 01, 2006 @5:55 PM

i swear someone in my class uses a perfume/cologne/spray that i find very familiar. bonnie said i'm secretly attracted, glin called me a pervert. haha. but when you smell sth familiar, it's just in your instinct to find out what's that smell. i should ask him one day, but hella embarrassing cos i'm quite sure it's a perfume smell.

i think kaka is really cute. haha. he's the reason why i would want to watch brazil play. fine, only reason.

brandon routh is so hot in superman returns. :)

and i want to watch pirates. gonna watch pirates 1 again when channel 5 shows it. bonnie, jo, we need to go catch it, k??? and we need to go backpack-shopping.

on a more serious note, i think i'm starting to like school on the whole. not studying, but school. maybe coz my cca is ending and so i am not so restricted. ha, i'm supposed to be transformed into a nerd. ha, think i'm succeeding?


mgs acjc


andre aisyah bonnie chun huat debo gayle gerrad inez jem jo jo's lj jun liane lucas max mich tung ruth shawn shellz yanyun yuenkay zhaohan z-degrees indiesurfer regnyouth sandy's music



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