Monday, June 26, 2006 @8:06 PM
blogger died on me since sat. freaking hell. i wanted to so post the korean-swiss match. damn it. now it's so anti-climax to post it. stupid, not going to post it anymore since swiss is out. haha. i can't believe spain is out. wtf. 3-1!! what has the world comes to.
friday's argentina vs germany. so gonna watch it.
sch started and it's a bore. i dun want to talk about it.
Friday, June 23, 2006 @1:45 PM
yes! my internet is back again. my dad changes from starhub to singtel.. i survived 3 days w/o the net. wasn't too bad.
oh my.. the match tommorow morning. switzerland vs korea. i had a bad dream. haha, it's a dream about the match b/w korea and switzerland. i even dreamt the score. lol. dun really want my dream to actualize
i watched road to guantanamo yesterday. if you are pro-America, you should watch it. if you watched black hawk down then you watch it, you should watch it to be less biased. if you are anti-american you should definitely watch it. it makes you really angry. i enjoyed it alot. it's about 3 British pakistanis who went to Pakistan to attend a friend's wedding and decided to visit Afghanistan. Then they were mistaken as members of the Taliban and sent to jail in Cuba for 2 years. i feel that it's one of the better documentary/films i watched this year. (crash was still the best this year)
Sunday, June 18, 2006 @1:59 PM
there are so much that i wanted to blog but i just couldn't remember.
i was watching black hawk down yesterday.. again. i think i watched it at least three times. first time cos i fell in love with josh harnett in pearl harbor, but later found him to be too dirty and rugged in this movie. i mean, what can you expect when you are fighting a war. pearl harbor was a sucky war movie cos you see josh harnett clean-shaved, losing the focus on the attack and much more emphasis on the love triangle. ha, anyway, because of black hawk down, i noticed eric bana and ooh, haha, which further explains why i watched troy. i never knew orlando bloom was in the movie as well. haha, but just like in troy, he's a loser. he got injured not coz he fought a war, but coz he fell from the helicopter.
i love black hawk down, now that the whole conflict made more sense to me. i actually went to read my UN book (WOW!) to find out more about somalia before i watched it yesterday. and i was pleasantly surprised that because of history, i understood the conflict and the dialogues better. like in the opening scene, UN sent food aid to somalia because the civilians there were dying of hunger because of wars between tribal factions and a severe drought. but the civilian rebels/armies said that these food were for general aidid. and these soldiers on the helicopter could not do anything. they didn't explain why but now i know why. it's because they would be violating article 2(7) of the UN Charter. you can go google it and you will understand why.
another interesting point i noted when i watched it last night was this scene when the soldiers were ready to fire but could not do do, unless they were fired upon 1st. again, it had to do with the articles of the UN charter as the PEACEKEEPING forces cannot fire unless they were fired upon 1st. it was not mentioned in the movie but the Security council had adopted a resolution authorizing the secretary general to take all nessar measures to establish authority of UNOSMO to arrest, try and punish those responsible for the attack. and this is the first time a peacekeeping operation was authorized to use force under Chapter VII of the UN charter. i figured that's why the US troops could head down to the town central to capture the general.
but of coz this movie is extremely biased, merely showing how the US soldiers sacrificed themselves. often, in history, we criticized the US for being stupid and nosy, but this is a refreshing side of the US soldiers. and the petty politics.
precisely i could understand the movie, the controversy and biasness made a lot of sense to me. haha, studying history is a good thing. (:
maybe my UN book isn't so boring afterall
Thursday, June 15, 2006 @2:36 PM
i chanced upon jo's lj and she was lamenting about ageing. it struck my mind that soon, i'll be 18 and that sounds really old. you are hitting the 20s soon. and to think that you are born in the 80s is even worse. cos those who are born in the early 80s are in the ripe age to get married. it's like 8-10 years down the road, it's gonna be your turn. and so that's basically mean, you gotta find a life partner soon, date a couple of years, get married and have kids and be a stay-home mum. ok, fine. not many people have such dreams. bonnie said that i look like those kind of girls who want to settle down and look after kids. actually, it's quite true. haha, i don't mind doing that. i'm not and never will be a workoholic. i can't see how people can put work before everything else. it's too unlike me. but i like the challenge. challenging myself to prove people wrong. i think that's and will be my motivation for working hard.
anyway, jo was saying how now a guy you see looks cute, but you are probably too old for him. i was just thinking about those actors. when you are in primary school, you seldom fantasize about those hollywood stars cos they look too old. but now, these hollywood stars seem to have such an appeal. not sure if that's a good thing. i like older men?
my mum was talking to me about how she's gonna attend this wedding at sentosa and the dinner's outdoors. never will i have a marriage in the open. air-con is the best tech of the 20th century, why not use them? and having a wedding dinner at sentosa just feels so outdated and not classy. plus, he's gonna drive his bride himself.
i'm such a fairy-tale person. i would love to have a chauffeur to do the driving while the just-married couple sits at the back, have some grand dinner, and have honeymoon in rome during spring. *dreaming*
ok, i should stop. or else my readers will start rolling their eyes.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006 @9:24 AM

korean artistes in germany

really cute

coach saying thanks to him

*clap**clap**clap* *clap* Dae Han Min Guk!!!
so my taste wasn't so bad afterall. see 14 and 9 are the stars last night. muahaha. i should take out the shirt we made 4 years ago and wear it in the next match! i was so happy last night. YAY!!! Asian pride. i hope japan comes out from their shock soon. although i like australia, my asian blood is more superior. i can't believe they were so close yet so far. damn the last 8 minutes.
corea hwaiting. i hope they perform better in the next three matches! *cross fingers*
Friday, June 09, 2006 @9:12 PM
i was supposed to post this like few days ago, but my vcd mania did not give me time to post. ooh, everyone should go watch this korean drama, goong. the actors are damn hot.. and the main actress is really cute.
someone is keeping something from me. haha, and i found out. it's nothing big but i thought he/she would have told me.. =(
watched x-men the other day. it was too short. but being the x-men fan i am, ok, wolverine fan i am, i find it not too bad. though x-men 2 was still the best.
now i wanna watch superman!
world cup craze is here. i don't understand why people can stay up the whole night every night to watch football. it's such a toll on your body. your biological clock go haywired. world cup should just be held in asia again. lol. like 2002 in southkorea/japan.
i remembered clare and i were so crazy over the koreans red devils. (that's cos clare's jap team lost too early and she went crazy over ahn jung hwan). and duh, i would cheer for the koreans. yeah, so we went down to taka to watch their match against turkey for 3-4th placing (i think) oh, and we made ourselves t-shirts to show our support. red devils right? so we used red fabric paint to write our favourite team player numbers (mine was 14.. go find out who. but i realized my taste wasn't that good 4 years ago) and 'da han ming guk' in korean. and we were like screaming like idiots in taka. haha, surrounded by many malays (turkey fans). caucasians really think that all asians look alike. these two caucasians came up and asked if we were koreans.
nice experience. that was in sec 2 when i am so free. and it's unbelievable four years from then, i'll still very much a korean fan.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006 @12:37 PM
i think matthew mcconaughey is DAMN SEXY! i saw him in oprah yesterday and i'm like "wow! he's hot even when he's shaggy". i noticed him when he was in 'how to lose a guy in 10days'. best thing, he's single now!!! muahaha.. gloating cos he apparently broke up with penelope cruz

ooh.. hahaha

he looks really good in 'failure to launch' with jessica parker. clean-shaved

ok, enough!!!
btw, i'm addicted to youtube =p. thanks to all those who are so free to upload movies for leechers like me.