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Wednesday, May 31, 2006 @4:19 PM


omg! i finish what i'm supposed to do for the whole day within 2 hours since i came to work. so technically speaking, since 10.30, i've been doing nth related to work. oh well, i have been researching for GP and reading econs essay and did my sea tutorial. an achievement! i should bring more work to do tmr. create my own work since they give me none. i don't mind being a coffee girl. at least it's work!

have you heard of someone complaining cos she's free? no? but that's because there's no one as free as me now. i try calling bonnie but the phone is not cooperating with me. haha. life here's suck. 1 hour 15 min more to knock-off

counting down..

Tuesday, May 30, 2006 @7:46 PM

working life sucks hell. 8.30-5.30 with 1hour break. and i feel like a slave. but i still smile all the time. sheez. and it's in some ugly polluted part of singapore, jurong industrial park. argh.. it's only 2 days.. i still have 2.5 days to go. I CAN DO IT

i so prefer to study now. working time is hella inflexible. argh. and i'm doing rubbishy admin work.

oh, i got free ticket for X-Men and if i bring a friend along, it's half-price for the friend. anyone wanna watch? wed, 3pm, suntec.

Saturday, May 27, 2006 @1:09 PM

i just discover the wonders of youtube and so i decide to be some crazy korean lover and post videos of the two guys who made up my blog's name

se7en hotness (bonnie, for you as well)
he's hella hot, coupled with his dance moves..

taebin (he's irresistable)

tae7en!!! (:

this is stupid.. haha

I like this!! Se7en was feeling up taebin at one point (:

Thursday, May 25, 2006 @8:13 PM

omg! crash deserved the oscars. totally. i finally understood why it won instead of brokeback. and i regret not watching the movie earlier. the whole movie was so well-adapted. now i want to read the book. the characters intertwine in a very ironic manner and you just sit in awe how the plot can be so ironically interesting. every scene is like a climax scene. precisely why you will not get bored during the whole movie.

the racism theme seriously struck a chord. it's not just the blacks and the whites, it's also about the chinks and the blacks, the whites and the arabs, the arab and the hispanics. any kind of racism you want it, they have it in the movie. and every character is so ironic in their own ways. i don't want to be a spoiler. watch the movie and you get what i mean.

and it just keeps me thinking. not just the issue about racism but also the issue about wealth equality. it's precisely of discrimination that the blacks can never be filthy rich and because of discrimination that brings about all the social issues because one is poor and all the negative feelings and hatred start building up. this happens to every society, not just America.

just concurring to something i read in my chinese textbook. this author uses the voice of two newly born babies to describe the two different lives they have, because one is from a white-collar family while the other's father is a butcher. it is trying to imply that even from the second they are born, they are ought to be different. and once they are out of the hospital, their lives will never cross again. so the author illustrates how the rich baby was given preferential treatment in the hospital while the poor baby is just dump in a corner. and they are born on CNY eve, the rich baby's mum stays in the hospital for an extra day because the father was afraid that she would tire herself out if she's released. and the poor baby's mum is also staying for an extra day, but because his father was afraid they would be chased by loansharks on CNY eve. the rich baby cannot drink breastmilk because his mum cannot produce any. the poor cannot drink anymore breastmilk other than the first time because his mum gotta be the 'mummy' for another baby. as they left the hospital, the rich baby was wrapped tightly in wool clothings and despite leaving in the car, his parents hid him under their cover for fear that he would catch a cold. on the other hand, the poor baby brave the winter wind and snow, riding on the back of this father, ready to conquer the harsh world.

i got pretty emotion when i was reading the analysis of the story because i was thinking about crash and the little girl, the persian family, the blacks. and it just seems that our world is so bleak, our world sucks. argh. getting all so cynical again.

@10:03 AM

i am a VCD addict. i work my schedule around the tv. my main schedule's vcd/tv and my work follows.

i'm finally done with my bride's 18. haha, 7vcds in 2 evenings. and i try TRY to squueze in time for work. now my mum refused to borrow any more VCDs.

anyone wanna watch X-men?

recently i have occasional thoughts about how i wish it's only january and orientation is not over yet. it just seems so fast the way time passes. there's simply no time for us to stop and take a breather. time just sweeps across.

and nowadays uni course seem to be the hot topic in most conversations, and especially so after the testimonial talks yesterday. should i do what i want or should i do what i should do? i really want to go abroad to study but i don't want to waste money just for the overseas experience and learning how to be independent.

this is so fustrating!!

haha, another two days more of school before we break for a holiday! ok, more like a study break. but at least i don't have to come to school and be tied down by the system.

Sunday, May 21, 2006 @8:13 PM

gayle's on the papers again. she's seriously getting famous. haha, and she sits beside me in class. (:

yesterday was fun. trip to kota tinggi, mainly because of the company we had. and the lack of company we had. haha.
waterfall. nice cold water.
dinner: nice chats
sleeping on the bus

that pretty much sums up my day. the trip was much better than last year's.. definitely.

Thursday, May 18, 2006 @5:15 PM

we lost netball! by 3 points. i should have gone down to watch the match. but i have to be stuck at home with a runny rose. damn. it made more of an impact on me cos i was there when they won netball last year. this year's season is really bad, we lost all our defending champion positions. ALL! don't wanna talk about it. jun said next year will be worse. i believe him.
and it sucks cos i dare not talk or console them when i see them the next day cos it's so weird. i'm so scared they'll cry. like i saw luddy at tuition the other day and i dare not breathe a word about hockey.

anyway i want to watch Da Vinci Code and X-Men. i am more interested in X-Man though.
cos i thought robert langdon would be much hotter than tom hanks. i was so upset when i saw the trailer. but Audrey Tautou and Paul Bettany are so hot. OMG!! although silas is the murderous monk in the book, i always thought that he sounds really hot, then i saw the front page of life yesterday, i was like "oh oh oh!!! i need to so watch this movie". but i always love X-Men haha. Famke Janssen is so pretty! james marsden/cycylops. ooh. shawn ashmore/iceman. ooh. jo is gonna laugh at me. haha, i'm always so star-struck.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006 @7:21 AM

i am updating because i wanna push the angsty post down. sounds like i'm so unwilling to update, but the truth is i've nothing to update..

i think i've successfully brainwashed bonnie that my korean stars are not small-eye, wide forehead little ugly things. she admitted that se7en's hot. (muahahaha). haha, and jo is watching this korean show. i recommend good things okay!

i've been watching way too much tv. survivor! ooh, i think Aras hot after he shaved.

like i said, thursday was a bad day. 1st the t-shirt issue, then rugby lost to SA (it leaves you this sour after taste when you hear about it) then the annoucement that Mashren is back and there goes my A for econs, then hockey got beaten by SA (SA again. no offense liz :)), then Chris got voted out of AI. stupid mcphee (sorry, jun, but she is my least favourite in the top4). the only comforting thing that happened on thur was the annoncement that today's a holiday, which i knew since last tue.

the reason why we cannot have a holiday on thu instead was because MOE doesn't allow us to have a long holiday (thu-sun) because they thinks it will affect our productivity cos we get too complacent and lazy after long holidays. *cries*

Thursday, May 11, 2006 @7:58 PM

Bitch alert!! i'm so angry today! and angry over something not worth being angry about. worse still, i embarrassed myself by crying. :(

this stupid saggy stingy old bitch (sorry, but that's the perfect description for her) 'slapped' me right in the face today.
Issue discussing today: t-shirt designs

for interact, we need a interact t-shirt so i asked this girl to design it last week. and i gave beehoon (the teacher's name) the designs on monday and i expect her to call her supplier asap since she has been rushing me for that damn shirt design. but then till wed, she hasn't called. so i kept thinking and i realized how goddamn ugly the first design was, so i asked moniza to design one for me. and i got jolene's supplier who can give me the shirts by next week and at a price of $7.50 (white shirt, only black colour design). so i told beehoon last night to hold on to the designs and i'll show her moniza's design and i told her about my supplier. fine, everything was well. and i need to give the designs in by today afternoon so that i can get it by next week. thus, it was a bit rushed and i was quite stressed out cos i need a scanner to scan the designs too. and i'm so pissed why our school doesn't provide a scanner. what the hell.

ok, today, i was fortunate to meet mark ng in the morning and he approved of the design except that it was preferred to be in navy blue. then i'm like cool, ok. as i was afraid that the price for printing navy blue will be more ex than printing black, i did not tell ng peisan (another teacher-in-charge) the actual price and quote that it will definitely be below 10 bucks. and she was also nice enough to scan the picture for me. so i thought oh well, cool. i managed to do everything during my free period, thus i can use my lunch to email the designs to the supplier.

then, bitch called me and demanded why i gave ms ng and her different prices and demanded me to see her and not to order the shirts. i'm like fuck off lar. i already told ms ng the reason and she didn't even say anything. so before i called her back, i called the supplier again, and he gave me a price of 7 bucks.

then i called the bitch. she scolded me the first thing she heard my voice. like how both teachers are very angry and disappointed with me cos i am so last-minute and rushing them. then she asked me why i told ms ng it was 8.50. FUCK! first, i was the one rushing from place to place finding both of them cos they can't seem to make up their minds and the only thing they do is to approve of the design. what did they, or should i say, her even do. i can't possibly ask her to scan because i bet she can't use the scanner. second, i never ever said it was 8.50. i said below 10 and i explained to her the reason and i told her the price now is 7 bucks. so she doesn't have a comeback. and she goes on nagging and warning me about how disappointing blah blah blah and i better talk to ms ng about it. i was so angry that i told her, look mdm, now i gotta rush and send the designs to the supplier now. and i hung up.

cos of the pressure and anger, i was so pissed and fuming mad that i cried. gosh. embarrassing. but i would cry if i'm really mad. so you can imagine how angry i was.

the funny part and the ending of the whole issue was when ms ng called me and she didn't even sound a bit angry. and i explained to her again my whole rationale and she just said that next time, inform your successor about this problem. that's all. how nice. it solves the problem totally. bitch, you are old yet so inexperienced. learn from her.

i think i'm not someone who can tahan her rules and rigidity, that's why she doesn't like it when i do things my way without consulting her. she was so mad when we sent out a order form for the t-shirt w/o showing her the design first. and of course, she was mad again because i didn't choose her supplier. please you ultra slow woman. i can get everything done within two days. i gave you the weekend and mon-wed to get to the supplier and what feedback did i get from you. Zero. nothing.

she just spoils my day. the only reason why i can't wait to step down because i cannot stand dealing with her anymore. i like the club, the exco, the everything, but kick her out please. i cannot take it anymore. she should just sit on the sideline and shut up.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006 @8:15 PM

Mr Joel Mak has never said something right since he came to AC

first, during this interview with the Ed board, when asked what actions is he going to take in AC as a vice-principal
"i think the most important issue right now is to work with the physical education dept to see how the boys can be more prepared for NS"

then, he scolded us for not showing the AC spirit because very few supporters were down at the X-country finals
"As A-C-Sians, this should not be the case"

today during NE dialogue (all j2s)
"hmm, why not the new elected student councillors go forward and ask some questions?"

"should we be asking questions related more to the security of Singapore, back to the main topic"
speaker: "no, it's okay. they can ask any questions they want"

i shall refrain making any comments. or i'll be deflaming the VP.

anyway today's NE dialogue was pretty interesting cos the issues put forward was a challenge to the speaker, regarding Burma issue, M'sia-Singapore ties, Iraq war and Singapore involvement in relation to US-Sg FTA, ShinCorps and Temasek Holdings

very sensitive issues
i like him because he's honest. quote him "there's nothing we can do. remember, we are a price-taker not a price-setter"
he makes some sense and is the typical pragmatic and selfish Singaporean
plus, he further consolidates our view of a cold cold world

but i don't like his attitude. arrogant, pompous *****
"i live in a generation where more than half the population has no education. the only thing we can do is retrain them or let them CONVENIENTLY DIE OFF"

and he keeps defending MFA as a ministry focusing all on foreign political issues and he keeps insisting that they are not concerned about investments. But Temasek Holdings is obviously a state-owned enterprise and they are using OUR reserves to invest

oh well, but i think because he is brutally honest, it makes the whole dialogue interesting. not a talk that ppl fall asleep

Monday, May 08, 2006 @8:51 PM

"i still affirm that anyone whom i called a liar and dishonest and dared not sued me is a liar and dishonest. i said that before, and i will say it now"

yes yes, we all hear you.

politics are so childish in singapore. i am referencing it with US. haha, even Taiwan has cooler politics. which country do you see cat fights and throwing of stuff at members of parliament.

my class is quite informed about politics. more like we are just cynical and pro-opposition.

i think my grandma is so cool. she has never voted for PAP before. and she's 70sth. she doesn't even know who's the opposition but she was like "singapore needs an opposition or we will die" how cool's that. my grandma is so modern.

Sunday, May 07, 2006 @7:53 AM

PAP reigns again! again, we are back to square one. i was expecting the opposition to win at least a GRC, sweeping a couple more seats in the parliament, making chiam see thong and low thia kiang less lonely. but all the effort and money has been put to waste. i thought rather highly of slyvia lim, but .. ah well. i think we attribute this to our ageing population, where most of the 40s-50s are ultras (to put in LKY words when he described the Malay extremists in 1964-65), the super pro-PAP supporters. i can testify to this statement. my mum is one for example who loves the PAP. so i think jo's mum is so cool. maybe 20 years down the road, elections will be different. hopefully there are more opposition, and i mean opposition who are able to contest on par with PAP. and the voting power lies on our generation. by then there will probably be no more LKY, so tajong pagar... i wonder who is taking over him.

there's this gp essay question "do you think teenagers have a say for everything, but a heart for none" i'm proud to say i'm not. i wish i can vote and make some kind of impact on the elections. but i still gotta wait many many more years. and i mean MANY. h0lland-bt timah is always gonna be a walkover any time soon.

haha, tmr is the elections for the new j1s counsellors. can't wait. another exciting thing to look forward to

Wednesday, May 03, 2006 @7:35 PM

Bitch alert:
bitch! bitch! bitch! what the hell! i gave you so much time to prepare. since last week. and i even reminded you to get it on monday because i know wed it's the gp exam. stop coming up to me and giving me shit. stop complaining to me about how you have do get the stuff. you haven't been contributing. i've giving you something to do. and it's such a bloody simple task. quit complaining and being a weakling. aish

enough of rambling. gp mock was ok. i think my essay was not too bad. hope i didn't run out of point or i'll so dead. AQ was terrible. i was talking senseless crap.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006 @8:40 PM

Election fever is running high in Singapore. it's so interesting to see political parties (or it is party) geared up and all ready for the big thing this sat. and all those rallies. i was laughing when i hear some of the speeches while some really made some sense.. both the opposition and PAP. so fun. too bad, my constituency is a walk-over. duh! holland-bt timah. it's all landed.

election fever has penetrated in acjc school grounds. haha, it's the student council elections. ok, i only really know one person in this j1 batch. and being the nice person i am, i shall help him advertise. but i think he'll make a good counsellor. at least he was a pretty good og mate.

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quite a cute poster i gotta admit


mgs acjc


andre aisyah bonnie chun huat debo gayle gerrad inez jem jo jo's lj jun liane lucas max mich tung ruth shawn shellz yanyun yuenkay zhaohan z-degrees indiesurfer regnyouth sandy's music



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