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Friday, March 31, 2006 @9:47 PM

From a ACEE to a ACCE.. i felt that it was quite an improvement

at least it proves that my one week (despite lots of playing) was quite productive. but we got to all keep in mind that our tested topic range is then tight (just term 1 work). i bloody hell could have done better for chinese. ok, i shall not bitch. laoshi and i have a mutual dislike for each other. i'm not saying that i should get more marks, but she should at least give me better comments when i asked her how should i improve. well, by just reading what you wrote on my paper regarding my zuowen will so give suggestions on how i can do well huh? or are you trying to diss me by saying that i can't even read what you wrote. !#@)# she kinda shoo-ed me off in less than a minute while some prize students were worth 10-min of her time. so much for equality and discrimination. i'm so tempted to just snap at her, but my mum will most prolly kill me if she gets called up

i'm so upset my history partner is GONE! OMG! *stressed* jo, i'll miss you during history. now it's just ruth, me and .. the boys..
but i'll survive. but it sure gonna be weird :/

had a nice talking session with bonnie and gayle. lots of bitching as well. but it makes me further confirm what i feel about the class, typical acsians, school in general.

they said mg was really sheltered. yes i agree. we are so innocent compared to girls who stick paper at the back of their teachers that read "shut up you fat cow"

and in acjc, we learnt to conform or just hide like a hermit. it's either you are eager for attention so that you can be noticed so you resort to really mean antics to get your way. i just don't understand how making fun or dissing a teacher can make you all-so-popular. so much for being a christian school and how ironic is that these people who are so disrespectful are discriminating against homosexuality cos it's a HORRIBLE SIN and DADDY GOD will be angry.
so what makes you think that being so horrible to teachers who make the effort to teach us and are actually nice teachers is not a SIN.

of course i don't think i'm a perfect person to shut them off cos i just bitched about my laoshi. but the difference in this laoshi is that i can feel negative vibes from her. i'm not kidding!!! i can just sense that she hates me. don't believe, just sit in one of my chinese class. she either ignores me totally or just shut me off when i say something and don't give credit to me when she later uses that point. SEE!!! i'm serious!

but then again, back to the rest of the teachers, i dont think it's very nice to be so mean by saying "can you PLEASE stop clicking the pen cos it's REALLLY irritating?" in that ethel-all-so-mighty voice and again, this happens in GP to dolly, "oh look, who is the INSANE one here?"
i'm like just shut your mouth when you don't have any decent thing to say. simply put by bonnie F__ you

alrighty, i finally got the motivation to study! yay! be proud of me! like FINALLY! i just came out with my weekly work checklist! *cross fingers that i keep to it*

bonnie, see, i'm not like other mg girls who say that they don't study when they actually study. haha, i think liz and i always bitched about these people in mg days. haha, i'm always proud that i study and i'll just boast. pardon me. i'm crazy

Saturday, March 25, 2006 @3:46 PM

MUAHAHAHAHA.. i got an A for math. 1st time since jc life starts and 1st time since amath days.
i don't care if the paper was easy and practically the whole world got an A
an A is an A.

haha, ok, so i don't think i will need to drop a subj if i don't fail anything.

cross fingers for history and econs.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006 @7:17 PM

i hate it when you study but you still can't do the damn paper. ok, i studied for econs okay! but the drq sucks hell. i forgot my quantity theory of money. i was thinking it's mv=pt and i even wrote it down but i didn't know how to explain it so i cancelled it. !#!@%$#^%$^& fish! crap! suck! argh! i'm so angry with myself. and i hope i wrote okay for my 12mark question. i was seriously rambling. why must they make the damn paper so hard!!! but i was thankful i could do the mcq. prolly a few errors but i'm quite happy with it cos i know what i was doing.
damn econs.

ok, and it's a vicious cycle cos i was too stressed over history to study for econs during the weekend. history was BLEH. jo and ruth and i just couldn't do the UN sbq. we read it, pause, think, write our pathetic intro, then how ah? so i was randomly choosing my similarities of sources and it was bad. SEA sbq was not that bad, at least it's obvious which are the confirming and disconfirming sources. but it's just, i feel so shaky w/o assistance. it's like you are not sure if you hit the lorms and you are blindly writing. it feels like you are blind and trying to get to a destination by feeling or bumping your way through. and my essays. aish. you just can't study too much sometimes. i've so much to write but in the end i had to write rather skimpy for some points because i realize if i write all the facts down, i will just go on forever. so i kept my answers to all 4 pages long (essays i mean). and it's a bloody 3 hour paper. i got the feel of what it is like to sit for 3 hours and write and you can't stop because you really need 45min for each essay or you will either not hit 4 page or you will write crap. yes, so basically it's writing writing and more writing. but i'm quite thankful i only have 2 3h essay papers. ha, the lit-hist ppl will have 5 3h essay papers.

oh well, tmr's math. i really cannot do 3-D. i cannot see the stupid diagram. i cannot see triangles within cubes. and andre was like "i end my exams today because math is not a paper." die andre. die. at least i understood numerical methods! yay! finally! and hopefully i can do integration minus the volume part. see i can't see math that is 3-D. can't they just make it 2-D and you just have to play around with numbers and not figures. i don't mind graphs, but don't make me visualize figures. i just cannot see it okay. that's y i'm not gifted. i remember in p4 and p6 when you sit for those gifted exams, they give you these figures. i didn't bother doing it. my mother tried to train me but ha, i've no skills for it.

i'm so not looking forward to getting back the results. i don't want SSP. i don't want to drop my 4th subj.
but if i were to drop, i'll prolly drop history. jo and i came to a conclusion that history is the only subject that gives you panic attacks and make you pee in your pants. seriously. it's damn stressful to sit for a history paper. it's the only paper that i come out with nervous cramps and it happens 3x already so i'm sure it's because of history. yar, and it's too hard to study for it. non-history ppl think you just need to memorize facts, but NO! you need arguments and you gotta formulate arguments on the spot sometimes. plus ngoei is terrifying. feel so stupid in his class all the time.

ok, on the brighter note, tmr's my last paper and we have to lessons after that. woohoo. and thus it's time to chill out. so much i wanna do in town.

Thursday, March 16, 2006 @11:42 AM

i'm in a much better mood as compared to last week which was pretty much a roller coaster or something like a panic attack.

i've things straightened out in my head and i got some pretty good advice and consolation so i think i've past the tough phase.

although there are still remnants of unresolved issues, i'm gonna take it in my stride and not let it affect me.

my mum says i'm a stubborn cow. haha, i think i am. i tend not to listen to advice. or i may let you feel that i've sought your advice but ultimately i seldom like such opinions interfere in my decisions. of course i'll think through what one person has said and yes, i think it make sense and i might sift some relevant points, but i still like making my own decisions and living a life of my own. like i've said before, i can be a loner and i can don't share.

i love this march hols. it's a total nice break from school apart from the studying for terms, i absolutely love this short break.

and to some who are wondering what's going on with me, or why am i suddenly so moody, and some people have asked, i'll tell you when we hang out after terms. since i've told you guys half the story i don't mind telling you guys. and it's not like i'm keeping something from you guys AGAIN, honestly, i nv tell anyone and i don't intend to tell anyone. haha, so see how privileged you are. (:

Thursday, March 09, 2006 @7:16 PM

seeyun will do well and prove to my parents that seeyun can study!
seeyun will work hard and console herself that she can study!
seeyun will plough through all her notes and shall not be lazy!
seeyun will not slack during my march holidays and be busy revising her work!
seeyun will not be careless during math and do more math questions!
seeyun will try to write cheem chinese essay sound cheem and laoshi will be pleased with her!
seeyun will make sure that she has time for gp compre and not fumble!
seeyun will read her UN book during the holidays and be sure of her IH SBQs!
seeyun will memorize her NAR notes and find out more about all the nukes and treaties!
seeyun will memorize her decol notes and be pro-Singapore and love LKY and PAP for her SBQs!
seeyun will learn her econs well so that she can pass econs!

yes yes. seeyun can do it. and seeyun should first start by getting off the computer.

seeyun has gp and chinese tmr. so i'm gonna wish her all the best and have faith in her. lol! =p

Wednesday, March 08, 2006 @3:49 PM

when something hits you for the first time, you would be caught by surprised so you are not so affected by it. but throughout the course, you know alot more about it and you turn more afraid. when it strikes you again, the impact is alot greater. we were talking about this guy with cancer relapse some time ago and we wonder why god wants to play tricks on us?

bonnie said that i'm someone who act tough. in a way, yar, i agree. she said that even when i need help, i'll just pull it through it myself. ha, quite true. i'm being an ass. i dun like being pitied, i know it's concern but i would just not like how people look at me differently cos of something. it's the same how the physically-impaired do not like people to take pity on them, but instead just treat them normally.

i'm babbling because some things have been bugging me and it had bugged me couple of years ago and now it's back again, it just fustrates me because it's like anchoring me down. i know i should feel fortunate that it is not life-threatening and i should not complain so much, but when you know the inconvenience and the side effects of this, and the troublesome need of having to cure it just make me really upset.

i should stop thinking too much about it.

yuck yuck. terms are just two days away. GP and chinese. yuck yuck.

Monday, March 06, 2006 @10:25 PM

i'm sorry, but i don't like this little brats anymore! j1s are getting so irritating now!!!!!!! aish, can someone explain to me why do you need to clap and cheer and be so randomly rah-rah and in this case, extremely extra during mrs chan's speech. i could see that she was getting damn irritated. what's wrong with you guys man?
ok, maybe it's the orientation spirit, but during a boring speech? WTH

i'm sure there are more to come. i understand how the seniors feel when they were lamenting to us during my bintan trip. during breaks, the snatching of tables. i'm sure j1s will put their bags on the tables that we have already taken. wanna bet?

and there's a lot of random schools. not being octracizing, but i am sure there will sure be more interesting incidents awaiting me for the rest of the year.

be respectful J1s. 1st thing you ought to learn in ACJC.

Thursday, March 02, 2006 @6:36 PM

Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:
You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.

Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.

What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.

Who is your true self:
You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.

it is quite freaky when i think it is like 75% true.



mgs acjc


andre aisyah bonnie chun huat debo gayle gerrad inez jem jo jo's lj jun liane lucas max mich tung ruth shawn shellz yanyun yuenkay zhaohan z-degrees indiesurfer regnyouth sandy's music



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