Wednesday, November 30, 2005 @9:42 PM
i can't believe people still believe in such CRAP! i mean i understand if you are 13-14, and if you dun forward the mail to 50 people, your love life will be in a disaster or you are gonna die a awful death in a week.
OH PLEASE! GROW UP! for the past few years, i've been receiving such forwarded mails and recently forward sms-es with such content. i admit when i was 12-13, i believed and mass-emailed. but i supposed if i grew up from that stage, a decent 17 year old would have too rite?
why did i suddenly talked about this topic? ha, i just received 5 emails of similar content and i realized that people are pretty naive and scaredy cat.
i can come out with my own forwarded mail
eg. May was a typical secondary school girl in Singapore. she led a really simple life. then she met the guy of her life. she was so sure she was to marry him. then one fateful day, May saw her boyfriend smooching with this girl in public. devastated, she swore that she would get back to him and make him guilty all his life. thus, she dressed in red and jumped down from a HDB flat in Central Bedok.
forward this to 100 people or your boyfriend or future boyfriend will treat you the same and you will die the same way and be a wandering soul.
wow. i came out with such a devilish story. i'm sure many of the people out there will believe and mass-sent if this was forwarded in an email.
anyway, i got this email (forwarded too)
'Quake and tsunami predicted in S'pore & M'sia> >> BANGKOK: Thailand's now iconic meteorologist, Dr Smith Dharmasaroja, whoin! > Year 1998 predicted a killer tsunami would hit Thailand one day & was> ignored, said S'pore & M'sia were also in danger from a future earthquake> and tsunami.> >> "I believe the epicentre of future quakes will shift northwards, north of> the Andaman & Nicobar islands."> >> "A big earthquake with a more northerly epicentre than the Dec 26 quakewill> generate a tsunami which will have a more direct route down to theStraits> of Malacca, swamping S'pore and M'sia." during the month> of december 05' and january 06'.> >> "As the sea passage narrows, more water will build up and the wave will> become bigger. S'pore is relatively low-lying & quite flat, and would be> badly affected.> Remember, in Dec, the tsunami was 30m high at Banda Aceh. At Khao Lak,itwas> 16m high," he said."> >> Dr Smith,70, retired as chief of Th! ailand's Meteorological Departmentwell> before last Dec's disaster.But before that, he had warned first in a speech> and then in a memo that Thailand's Andaman coast was at risk from a killer> tsunami.> >> Tragically his warning, although widely reported by the media, was ignored.> >> Government officials, fearful of tourists staying away, branded him a cranky> and dangerous man. The authorities in Phuket castigated him & said he was> not welcome to visit. After the tsunami, Prime Minister ThaksinShinawatra> recalled him and made him the chairman of a> committee tasked with developing a national disaster warning centre and> strategy.> >> "I'm not happy that I have made the right prediction," he said.> "Nobody can accurately predict an earthquake; you can only assume from> historical data," he added.> He said big natural disasters occ! ur in 80 year to 100 year cycles,> apparently randomly across the world.> >> "If you speak out too much, forecast too much, you will get a lot of> criticism, from government agencies, the tourism sector and so forth," he> added.> >> Explaining the northward shift of future epicentres, Dr Smith stressed:> "This is no joke. I would like you to put this message out to S'pore and> M'sia."> >> A researcher working on the hypothesis, who did not want to be named,said> the research was on-going and final results were not yet ready.> >> Dr Smith said: "I have seen the simulations that indicate this and they look> believable.> From my own experience, it is possible."Only a few days ago, there was a> 6.1 quake in the Andaman sea near the Nicobar islands, which is about> 321.8km north of the Dec 26 quake.> >> So, this is an indicat! ion that the epicentre is moving north."i did a google on this guy and apparently this article was published in 'asia news network'. and this guy truly exist.
up to you to believe
personally, i just took it with a pinch of salt. if a tsunami really hits singapore, it being a natural disaster is not something that we can avoid. we can lessen the destruction but we cannot prevent it from coming. so it ever happen, all of us will naturally be affected and singapore being an isolated island might sink if it really strikes big time.
i hope no one freaks out and leaves singapore after reading this email. as i said, it is forwarded and he might not be accurate.
Monday, November 28, 2005 @4:36 PM
one of the good bands i recommend these days
Time to Dance
Well she's not bleeding on the ballroom floor,
Just for the attention,
Cause that's just ridiculously on,
But she sure is gonna get it,
Here's the setting,
Fashion magazines line the walls now,
The walls line the bullet holes,
You sure, you sure you let her have it,
You sure, you sure,
Have some composure,
And where is your posture?
Oh no no,
You're pulling the trigger,
Pulling the trigger all wrong,
Give me envy,
Give me malice,
Give me attention,
Give me envy,
Give me malice,
Baby, give me a break,
When I say shotgun, you say wedding
Well she didn’t choose this role,
But she’ll play it and make it sincere,
So you cry, you cry,
(Baby, give me a break)
But they believe it from the tears,
And the teeth right down to the blood,
At her feet,
Boys will be boys,
Hiding in estrogen and wearing aubergine dreams,
(Baby, give me a break)
[Chorus x2]
Come on this is screaming photo op, op,
(It's time to dance)
Come on this is screaming photo op, op,
(It's time to dance)
Come on, come on,
This is screaming,
This is screaming,
This is screaming photo op,
(It's time to dance)
Have some composure,
And where is your posture?
(You sure, you sure let her have it)
You're pulling the trigger, pulling the trigger,
(You sure, you sure,)
Give me envy,
Give me malice,
Give me attention,
Give me envy,
Give me malice,
Baby, give me a break,
When I say shotgun,
you say wedding,
Boys will be boys,
Hiding in estrogen, and boys will be boys,
Boys will be boys,
Hiding in estrogen and wearing aubergine dreams.
Saturday, November 26, 2005 @2:54 PM
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
And a happy New Year.
Glad tidings we bring
To you and your kin;
Glad tidings for ChristmasAnd a happy New Year!
On the twelfth day of Christmas
my true love sent to me:
Twelve drummers drumming,
Eleven pipers piping,
Ten lords a leaping,
Nine ladies dancing,
Eight maids a milking,
Seven swans a swimming,
Six geese a laying,
Five golden rings,
Four calling birds,
Three French Hens,
Two turtle doves
And a Partridge in a pear tree.
(favourite christmas song when i was tiny)
O! You better watch out!
You better not cry.
Better not pout, I'm telling you why.
Santa Claus is coming to town.
Santa Claus is coming to town.
Dashing through the snow
On a one-horse open sleigh,
Over the fields we go,
Laughing all the way;
Bells on bob-tail ring,
making spirits bright,
What fun it is to ride and sing
A sleighing song tonight
Jingle bells, jingle bells,jingle all the way!
O what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Had a very shiny nose,
And if you ever saw it,
You would even say it glows.
All of the other reindeer
Used to laugh and call him names;
They never let poor Rudolph
Join in any reindeer games.
Silent night, holy night
All is calm, all is bright
Round yon virgin, mother and child
Holy infant so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace
did i get you guys into the festive mood?
it's still a month to christmas.. isn't it abit too early for christmas carols?
well, i can't help being so bubbly and excited over christmas after watching 'A Christmas Carol' last night. Acsian theatre put up a great show. nice humour up there. i didn't regret spending my 20bucks. it got everyone into the festive mood that after the production, bonnie and i wished each other 'merry christmas'
i have always like this charles dickens book apart from 'oliver twist' and 'david copperfield'. the first time i read it, i was abit freaked out by the three spirits. but i grew older and all of us would know there are much greater meaning to these 3 past, present, future spirits.
alritey, read the book if you haven't read it for a loong time before christmas.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005 @10:10 PM
Few days ago, i dreamt that we had an econs test during the holidays which i totally did not know about or forgotten. then someone(can't remembered) called me and asked "seeyun! why didn't you go for the econs test? you know it's included in your CA?!!" the frightened me was so shocked as i wasn't informed of any stupid test during the hols.
yes. i woke up. sat down for a loooong while. and ponder. has school re-opened? no. do i have a test during the hols? no rite. it's only when sch re-opens.
last night. similar theme-based dream. sch re-opens. we have to hand in our 4-page history assignment which i totally forgot about. and we are penalized if we don't hand up on the first day of sch. i remembered it was during history lecture that i suddenly remembered. PANICKED! sam was siting beside me. and i was like "sam!! quick lend me your history assignment for reference. i forgot to do mine". the freaky thing sam said "yes, i know you did not do it". and i remembered myself shaking cos i wanted to finish the 4-page essay within 30minutes and the nuclear-arm race notes was too complicated for my confused head.
WEIRD DREAMS. it's scary because you really wake up and think if it's that real, sch has re-opened or you are just nightmaring.
is that a very strong indication that i should finally settle down to start on my piles of holiday homework and revise my j1 work. i have been doing math and neglecting my other subjects. econs in particular is freaking me out, considering that's my weakest link and i've no motivation to look through my work.
school school school. i'm prisoned in school's life, school friends, school activities. two words: no life. even during the holidays, many of my friends have CCA commitments, etc. SCHOOL again.
i'm not complaining because most of the activities i engage in are purely interest and something i want to contribute. but it gets tiring after a while or probably, after jc life, that you realize: hey, what have i got myself into. i'm too busy in school and i neglect every other things. like right now, even during our holidays, a time for relaxation and enjoyment, many of us are still tied down with school stuff.
like i told bonnie yesterday, i can't wait to get out of singapore. at least for that 16-17 days, forget about ACJC. enjoy what life can otherwise offer. it's a very inviting attractive treat that i cannot deny, i am really looking forward to. counting down to 3rd dec. haha.
Saturday, November 19, 2005 @8:22 PM
1.) When kissing, make sure your eyes are closed
(you can peek a little, but nothing more!).
2.) When you are kissing someone, make sure it is not someone else's b/f or g/f!
3.) You may NOT eat pizza anytime before you make out.
4.) If a person is a bad kisser, you may NOT stop and leave at anytime-it's rude.
5.) A person with braces may not kiss another person who has them.
6.) When kissing, make sure your hands are where they're allowed
(they can wander sometimes, andsome people don't like that).
(dont touch a person's privates unless they like it...which is always)
7.) NEVER ask someone if they're a good kisser-you will either get a wrong answer, or the truth will hurt you.
8.) If you were expecting more than kissing, don't complain-you will get less the next time.
9.) Kissing more than one 1 person in a day can result in you not being allowed to kiss one of those people anymore.
10.) Don't kiss someone for the first time while youare laying in their bed. lol.....unless they ask you
some are quite bullshit
anyway, seeyun went shopping. AGAIN. i don't think i should leave my house, if not i can't resist. i need to be under house-arrest.
my sis got a new phone and i'm green with envy.
check out
http://www.bookcraves.comit's a pity they don't have many books i want. but anyone want to order with me? i don't think i can possibly read 2 books in 6 weeks.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005 @8:54 PM

old but still funny. haha

i need to find stuff to do in singapore. other than shopping, movies, hanging out, there's nothing better to do in this cosmopolitian city.
i wish i can drive. then i'll go driving to m'sia or something. at least there are sightseeing
Tuesday, November 15, 2005 @10:43 AM
yeah, i suffer from it
bought clothes with mummy yesterday
an organizer from kino
my "eye-candy" tote bag from school
a new pencil case (i probably want to get that in australia)
new novels (i'm running out of novels to read)
earrings (can never get enough of them)
anyway, i've
4 complementary tickets to a macbeth production on 22 nov at raffles hotel jubilee hall at 7.30pm.anyone interested?
i'm going with bonnie
Sunday, November 13, 2005 @9:24 PM
She lays in bed tossing, turning, and struggling. Her soul ... is lost amongst the battleground of an internal war. She is a refugee. But still she is an empty vessel, a simplistic person. Many are intrigued by her beauty and allured by her intelligence, but she remains true to her own conviction. Others try to overanalyze who she is; simple things are complicated by simple minds.
As her restless night continues to reek havoc on her sanity, the candles in her room flicker. The shadows of the flames entangle themselves in a sultry dance. Moving together. Touching one another. Teasing one another.
................................................. Seduction..................................................
From the shadows rises a figure. Her movements slowly come to a halt, she inhales deeply, and is cast into a peaceful sleep. The vibrations of her breathing ripples over the rise and fall of her chest.
................................................Ripple ..................................................
................................................Ripple ..................................................
................................................Ripple ..................................................
................................................Ripple ..................................................
................................................Rise ......................................................
................................................Fall .......................................................
................................................Rise ......................................................
The figure lurks closer and closer. He makes no sounds, but his timed movements becomes swift. He cuts the air with his stealth, and he hovers over her. A wisp of her hair falls, to gently cradle her face. Lovingly, as he traces the soft angles of her face, he brushes it out of her face. Suddenly, he takes a step back, closes his eyes, and transforms back into the shadows. Then he lays on top of her as blanket, he enters her thoughts.
The echoes of endless questions greet him as he searches for her. He embarks upon a little girl, she is lost in the breath of freedom. As he passes her by, the little girl's eyes grow fearful. Her pure ignorance masks the knowledge she holds.
He enters the transparent memories she holds close, and shuns. While passing through, he knows more about her than he did before. He loves her even more. By experiencing her bliss, sorrows, insecurities, and frustrations he feels as if he was almost human. He basks in this thought for a moment, before sadistically laughing.
......................................... He will never be human ...........................................
Closing his eyes, he concentrates, and absorbs the power from a painful memory. The day her father died. The pain flows through his veins, he is stronger now. With that power he transcends into her deepest fears. There she is.
..........................................He has found her ................................................
Her screams make him blood thirsty, fighting within himself, he tries to suppress the urge. His eyes flicker red to brown, red to brown. With a wave of his hand, her fears are frozen. She continues to scream, until she has realized her solace has arrived. She peers at him, lost in the moment. He comes to her, and embraces her.
"Make it stop," she asks him.
"If I only could," he replies.
Looking at him, the comfort in the time of affliction, she makes a decision. She has been plagued by this question for quite some time, but now she believes.
"Let me join you," she begs.
"That isn't your destiny," he tells her.
"I want to be with you," her voice is quivering with emotion.
"It isn't meant to be," he whispers softly.
"Come to me every night," she asks weakly.
"You know I can't, I am the cause of your restless nights," was his answer.
"I don't care, all I want is you, I love you," she tries to say, but she is weak.
Every time he is in her dreams or near her, he takes away the sprit of her life. Little by little it is diminishing.
"Come with me," he said as he took her hand. He led her into pleasant dreams, and left her there. She watched him as he went. Something took over her, never in her life had she felt so incomplete. But something told her she could not go after him this time.
Going through the depths of her mind, he erased the memory of himself. Sadness spread through him, and tears leaked from his eyes.
As he erased the last memory of himself, the little girl drew closer to him. She offered him a flower.
"A laburnum .... do you know what this means," he asked the little girl.
"Forsaken," she quietly replied.
He waved his hand, and the little girl fell asleep. He caught her before he fell, and left her in a bed of baby's breathe.
"Baby's breathe ... pure of heart," he quietly told himself.
Taking in a deep breath, he transformed again into the shadows and exited her thoughts. She was still sleeping soundly.
................................................Ripple ........................................................
.................................................Ripple .......................................................
.................................................Ripple ........................................................
.................................................Ripple ........................................................
..................................................Rise ..........................................................
..................................................Fall ............................................................
..................................................Rise ...........................................................
He kissed her, she gasped in her sleep as apart of her soul escaped. He sucked in his breath as it entered his body. Sharp pains took over his body, and he crumpled in agony. His silent screams caused her to toss and turn again. She was violently thrashing around in bed, as the pain stabbed his body. Then finally he falls over, and it has come to an end. He will not return, he had destroyed himself for her sake. Stillness takes over the room, as a single tear tickles down her cheek. Her tear falls to the floor, and becomes a blue violet.
A blue violet means
................................................Faithful Devotion ..........................................
Friday, November 11, 2005 @10:17 PM
-effects of boredom-
OP is finally OVER! yes. PW days are OVER! lalalalala
i got into OGL, but i'm not exactly happy or sad about it. i know i should be grateful that i got selected while there are people who are so disappointed that they didn't make it. i'm sad because my friends didn't make it and yes, i'm not someone who can be very ra-ra with fellow mates i'm unfamiliar with. but. i'll try to adapt. i'm also sad because the time when we get to really interact with fellow ogls will be the OGL camp which i am not able to attend. quite a pity and that's why when i was asked about my enthusiasm towards being a ogl during the interview, i just gave a 7/10. but it's too late to moan about it. SO! i shall take it with an open mind. things won't be that bad. i still have gen, the ahreders and many other friends. i think what is more important is getting to know my OG! that is the only part i'm looking forward to. that makes the orientation week so interesting. muahaha
there are many sides of seeyun and seeyun is clearly informed of this.
i know i tend to show different seeyuns to different people in different scenerios. some people see me as a quiet girl who doesn't open up easily (or is it just me who feels this way ^^) while most people, esp my closer friends, see me as a bubbly (i get this ALOT), chatty, enthu girl. and there's this other side that is not known and i would rather kept it reserved. some of you might know but i rather keep this side of me a secret. but i would admit that i tend to have my quiet side when i need to think or study. i get very irritated when someone talks to me when i'm trying to study.
but there's one thing of me that remains the same despite such spliting personalities: i am very much human-oriented. i treasure friendships alot and can be quite sentimental/sensitive. i didn't throw away any postcards, little notes, cards given to me by my friends. and occassionally, i will take out my pri sch autograph book to read and laugh off those innocent times i used to have. i know there are many friendships that i created but fade off along with time.
two particular groups of people i would like to acknowledge. the irony is i know them the longest. and if we had continue meeting up, i'll probably be very good friends with them, like i used to be. maybe some of you belonging to these groups are reading my blog right now. you should know who you are, esp if i haven't been in contact with you for long. well, i know i haven't been trying to maintain the strong friendships that we used to once have. or simply, work has tied us down so tightly that 'hanging out with you guys' just become impossible.
EXCUSES!! seeyun is coming up with lame/unacceptable excuses.
but i would want to let them know that while despite not being in contact, occassionally, i will read your blogs, read your friendster testimonials, or just hearing rumours on how you guys are getting along with life.
yeah, just to want to let you know that you have never been forgotten by seeyun. it's just circumstances.
i know why the friendship stale and i know that it's mostly my fault. believing in him was or is still a big challenge for me. i don't want to trust him for the sake of trusting, cos everyone trusts him and it's only right if i do the same thing. i don't want. this is not just physically trusting or convincing yourself into trusting. i would rather believe in him through mistakes i made, through this rebellion nature of seeyun. i know deep down inside my heart, he is the one, but the devil me refuse to concede defeat. let her explore, be in distress, and finally understand. hmm, this post is so sad. i should liven it.
AC046, i want to see christmas decorations. we need to go out for lunch/dinner/movie. our ppt was right: some people are just so busy.. haha.
bonnie, jo: we need our sleepover SOON. are you sure you want to wait till the late week of dec? that's like the week to rush our holiday hw!
a2gang: we need to catch up again. liz, our plan to hitch a bar. the eksi one sounds really cool. we should try it out one day.
there's another group that i wish we can meet up again but it's really hard cos there are 15 people. the patton mates. should be quite interesting if we can organize an outing. maybe i should try.
-i need to shop!-
Thursday, November 10, 2005 @8:19 PM
this is the only reality tv show that can attract me to watch for every edition. this family edition is one of the best so far. more people, more conversations, more bitching, more backstabbing.
i love the family idea. because it is through the show that reflects different family situation that exist in any country or culture. we have the gahgans who has a lovely dad and unbelievably strong and mature marathon-runner kids (the 9 year old girl can pitch a tent all by herself. how cool is that?) i was close to tears when they were eliminated. how carissa (the little girl) attempts to control her tears really touch my heart. and those who watched it, i'm sure what the dad says to the kids was truly warm. when they were close to elimination, daddy was like "we are the winners if we don't give up"
then we have the four desperate pink screaming housewifes. they are so suaku in singaporean terms. they seem to have never travelled out Illinois. they are irritating, but that keeps the show interesting. ha.
next, the paolo family. a family of italian descendent. and a typical dyfuctional family. lots of screaming, lots of nagging, lots of squabbling. but towards the end, they finally showed family team work and encouraged their mom to never give up. maybe they are high on winning and became abit complacent. i was quite sad that they got eliminated yesterday because i feel that they really need the money.
the most hated family: weaver. outcasted by all the teams. i used to not mind them as i appreciate how the family stayed strong after the death of their father and how they are strong in their faith. but they proved me wrong. yes, praying for the sake of praying so god can give you the right road directions? they keep insisting they are a strong christian family, but ha, their actions revealed otherwise. i was quite irritated when they surrounded DJ paolo cos the family yielded them. but hello, it's a competition.
my favourite family and i'm rooting for them: linz. they were not that significant in the beginning, but as the competition intensifies, they prove to be the best players of the game. they can laugh off any problems so there is barely any conflict between them. they are so close-knit as a family. being optimistic, they do not blame each other for wrongdoings, but instead forget the matter and move on. i think this is the most criteria reason why they stay strong in the race. but it's always a pity they always come in second. DAMN IT. they have to win the big bucks because they never got a coming-in-first-prize, unlike the godlewski. on a lighter note, the boys are pretty eye-candyish. haha...
all the way linzs!
hmm, i'm such a amazing race fan, i admit. those who don't watch AR, you are losing out a hell lot. yes. haha. are you jealous?
i've a feeling i'm gonna miss the final episode unless...
dear cousin, is amazing race shown in australia?
Monday, November 07, 2005 @9:23 PM
ok, this is the weirdest translation of my name EVER! and who came out with it. the great bonnie. ha, and she sms-ed it in the midst of 'pw discussion'
i get all kind of shit translations for my name and it is quite interesting actually. see cloud, look cloud, the worst ever.. siew hoon. i don't even know how it gets transformed to such a awful, lousy 1960s name. yes, we wonder.. (ehem. gen, eunice, debo, liz.. huh huh huh?)
my name is supposedly a name with the nicest meaning ever (muahaha).
shiyun: poetic, elegance, gentle, poised...
yup. amazing right? amazing how this blogger here is so far from all these characteristics here.
for some reason, what gen said during our last dinner outing keeps ringing in my head. i'm thinking of the validity/truth in the statement. i'm not someone who can judge though because i don't know the new her. which is probably due to my indifference.
tomorrow, the j2s are having their big thing. all the best! ^^
Sunday, November 06, 2005 @6:07 PM
this is the title of a story that i spent at least 3 hours reading in on the computer today. it's 213 pages long so. no. i'm not a slow reader
why comment on this fic? well well, it's one of the BEST stories i read online so far. this story revolves around this girl. and the writer depicts the story by writing two scenerios at the same time: her present and her past. and these two time periods entangles with the lives of two different men. it's quite intriguing to read as it's not the a-so-typical i-love-you-you-don't-love-me story. but there's much more to it. there's split personalities of a person, betrayal of your best friend, and of course, the undying love (Aww). yes yes, it's so korean-drama. i admit okay. but the writer adds more to the traditional drama.
ok, i'll just leave it at that. *seeyun's fantasy*
something that struck me on friday but i was just too lazy to blog regarding class spirit. i was bloghopping and some posts made by different people from different schools talked about loving their class. or (bonnie and i were discussing) 15% of the class.
leading back to my ex-class, 4a2. yeah, there was definitely class spirit. people suddenly being nice to the smart people in the class for the so-called study-tips-benefits. or yes, definitely class spirit was portrayed during games cos we are competitive and we want to win. class spirit. the backbone of a successful class has become the superficial thing we need to achieve to win.
everyone in the class, unless you are indifferent or numb, would know how split up our class is. the clearly defined line between the 'cool' peeps and the 'normal' beings. if you belong to any group and you should if you were in my class, thing to take note: i'm not bad-mouthing any party, just stating facts. cos it's undeniable that either group can collude/assimilate into either group. totally different personalities. totally different lifestyles. totally different outlooks in life. it would be a miracle if a coollie can hang out with a normallie for a day.
if you think that it's normal for every class to have a small portion of different kinds of people, tell you what. 4a2 is two big portions of different kinds of people. i cannot complain or cannot judge that there's no class spirit since it will/is non-existent in the first place. but sometimes, maybe, people can learn to co-exist peacefully and don't let your actions hurt another party that you are not close to.
a2 had quite a few class gatherings. and it's pleasing to say everyone tries to make it, so it is pretty lively and stuff. this incident happened many months ago, but i think i did not blog about it in detail. yes, we had a class gathering at eunice's house. fun. food. friends. truly a time for our class to bond and get to know each other better. sadly or, like expected, the class was split. AS USUAL. and what infuriates me was how some people treats the host family. you are a guest, you have your rights, but try not to abuse it huh. it's quite decent to thank someone's mum for preparing such great food for us to pig on. but well, some people just don't have the manners to do so. it does not affect me directly so i'm not afraid to say. but it fustrates me to see such ill manners.
haha, i don't know why this incident popped up. i was thinking about it on friday when i was bathing. and like i said, yes, i was such a pig and didn't bother to blog until now.
this is not a bitching post btw.
1. oh, i was reading this small article about the toilet incident on xiaxue's blog this morning on Sunday Times. wow, her attitude is like.. (you just want to slap her if you hear her speak). just reading her comments on the article make your blood boil. i wonder if her friends are all like that. laughing at other people's plight. like this commenter, i believe in karma.
2. yesterday, AC046 came to my house. and we spent quite some time checking out on annabel chong. if you don't know who she is. she's a guiness world record holder of fcuking (ok, having sex) with 300 men in 10 hours.
doing some calculations...
it's 30 men an hour, 1 man in 2 minutes..
haha, and we did some research about her (constant fright of clicking the wrong link and naked women pop-ups)
the guys got to warm up before she have sex with them so there are other women who acts as haha.. yes. shan't go into detail, shall we
one word: crazy
Friday, November 04, 2005 @7:46 AM
someone wrote this short story. hmm, just read it first. i'll comment later"Beautiful means you have to be perfect. In order to be perfect, you have to be satisfied with who you are and how you look. I'm not perfect, therefore I am not beautiful."
And she left.
She knew girls wanted to be just like her. Guys wanted to be with her. She accepted both facts graciously yet she was afraid to tell the truth.
She wasn't the beautiful girl.
She had long, jet black hair. Hair so healthy, it shined from roots to ends. Her radiant smile revealed teeth that stood in perfect alignment, and a gleaming shade of white, something rare without dental surgery. Through her smile, it gave comfort and brought joy to those around her.
Around her.
She was an amazing athlete though her frame was small and thin. She didn't allow her shortcomings become an obstacle in anything she did. It was hard, trying to be beautiful. But she strived to be perfect; she wanted to be the beautiful girl everybody said she was.
She was open to everything and accepting. She always gave good advice and she never turned one away. When it came to academics, she was competitive yet willing to help her rivals. She had nothing against anyone and nobody had anything against her. She lived a pretty nice life. More would say her life was perfect and so was she.
What she saw in herself never appeared before anybody. It never made itself known, she pretended it didn't exist.
It grew within her, the invisible. To her it was opaque because it wasn't exactly transparent. It has power and it confided in her with its strength. She was compelled to be its companion yet longed to be free of it. It told her secrets and successes of being beautiful and how to be beautiful.
She listened. And learned.
She only attended school 173 days out of the required 180. She had gotten too busy and was unable to finish school for the year. She was a senior.
Also the valedictorian.
The beautiful valedictorian.
It baffled the student body, they were stunned. It was like a cryptic riddle, a puzzle with a missing piece that will never be found or recovered. Everybody knew the beautiful girl. She was the smart, sweet, and talented girl who was perfect. But they didn't realize she never stood tall and perfect. No. No, they didn't. She only allowed them to understand she was beautiful and constantly perfecting and upgrading herself.
When the invisible told her the key to being beautiful is to aim high—she did. She aimed too high. It was beyond her reach. But she was determined to win. And she did.
She became a legend.
When she won, she didn't feel anything. She was lightheaded from the whole ordeal but her heart remained heavy as though she didn't go the extra ten miles she normally would. But it told her she did well.
She didn't need to carry on. She somewhat felt relieved because she was worn out. She was tired and she needed rest.When she drifted off to sleep, her companion was slowly diminishing. It extracted itself from her body and danced away with the light breeze that occassionally came by to usher it along its way to another young girl. The further it floated, the weaker the beautiful girl got. Even in a deep sea of unconsciousness, the beautiful girl struggled to grasp onto the last of her evaporating friend. But it was too late. It was gone.
Before she left, she explained the meaning of being beautiful. At first, nobody understood her.
Then it hit home.
She was having issues.When she departed, it didn't occur to anybody she had issues with herself. She constantly debated and argued with the one inside her. It was wrong of her to conceal habits that developed in the ninth grade. As time went by, it dimmed and united as one with her body. She entrusted her life to it and gave away her soul for the secret to leading a beautiful life. She was a walking bag of bones and blood.
She was anorexic.
She didn't like how she was living or how she looked because she felt fat. She often punished herself by forcing herself to vomit. It had told her it was a beautiful ritual performed by people who wanted to be thin and perfect. She had to follow three rules if she wanted everybody to believe she was truly beautiful. She had to fast, fast, and vomit. Modern society didn't accept girls for who they are but how they appeared. She often looked in the mirror and saw a figure other than hers. It was a distorted image displayed before her eyes. It was an ugly loser. Not somebody beautiful.
When the last of her battle with anorexia came to an end, she believed she had won. She did. She won her freedom. As she felt her life slip right from her hands, she suddenly felt beautiful. She soared high above the sky to announce to the world she had finally accomplished her dream and wish to be beautiful. But sadly, the world found out on the 175th day of the school year.
The beautiful girl became a legend.
A beautiful legend.
It never left. It was her that diminished and evaporated. But what difference did it make? She didn't know or understand the difference. She only recognized one thing and that was she finally got rid of anorexia. She untangled herself from the mess the moment she shot too high. She proved to herself and the world that you can be beautiful and successful at the same time if you put your mind to it.
What a nice way to remember her.
Services were held a week following graduation. While students marched on to receive their diplomas and smiling sadly, they knew deep down inside no matter how much makeup they put on, how fancy their clothes were, they were not as beautiful as the girl.
There wasn't a single person she knew from school that didn't attend her funeral. There were also her cousins, her aunts and uncles, her grandparents—everybody from near and far—all attended.
A special ceremony was held. Just because she was beautiful and perfect.
Everybody burned their lunches in memory of the beautiful girl.
simple and deep. hmm, i don't really want to comment too much. it's you guys to comment
Wednesday, November 02, 2005 @7:47 AM
seeyun thinks being a female sucks sometimes. sigh
one of the most useless subject on earth: Project Work.
gosh! project work. the venue for students of singapore to explore creativity. a subject that is meant to be interesting and allows students to work outside classroom. it can bring out the different values of education that cannot be accomplished in class.
oh wow! that is a vision that does not exist in real life.
basically, what is project work? it is a project that requires you to meet datelines all the time. your reports have to be of a certain font, a certain font size, a certain length and a certain contents. if you don't follow, you fail. it is also a subject that only requires you to work in one place: the computer lab. well, yes, there's group interaction. wow wow wow *amazed!* i'm sure it cannot be accomplished in other activities other than PW.
*i'm such a bitch*
ok, actually right now, maybe it's my group. oral presentation is going quite well. thanks to the fact that we have average speakers.. as in, everyone can speak ok in public. yes, i know my weaknesses. bonnie says i speak too fast. and i use a lot of 'and then' (urgh! bad habit) and worse (i know it even when i'm on stage but i can't help it) i move around quite abit. i'm not sure if i'm nervous or what. but when i'm nervous, i know i seldom show it in my voice. haha, but i'm probably tremble.
speaking about trembling, i remember chemistry practical for O levels last year. omg! it was utter horror. no wonder i got a b3 and no wonder i didn't step into any lab this year. there are 2 sections right? titration (took me long enough to remember this word) and QA. normally, we'd do titration first cos the big burette looks very breakable if i leave it on the bench any longer. yes. but i was damn careless or unlucky or just plain stupid. i took very long to do my 1st titration and it was so way-off point. no thanks to my trembling hands. it's the first time my hands trembled so badly. (embarrassing to think it's just chem pract) then i realized my solution in the burette was cloudy/contaminated. yes, so i had to change everything. 45minutes left. i still have my QA!! panic panic panic. so i went to do my QA and forget about my titration. QA was so much easier for goodness sake. yes, i remember. there are only a few solutions and it was relatively easier. yes. 20minutes left. ok, calm down seeyun. we shall now do titration. i only had time for one titration so i just hoped for the best.
hmm, apparently, MG's mixing of solution is really bad. our readings are really different from the other schools. yeah, so thank god, i didn't work backwards. if not i doubt i can see a b3 on my report card.
ok, i realized (fine! i am always) so random. from pw to recollections of horror trip sci days.
piece of advice: don't listen to jazz music in the morning. i am listening to a buble song. almost fall asleep. yeah, punk rock/soft rock is the best for breakfast! haha, or for the matter, kpop is not bad. i know, i listen to a VERY wide range of music. i've my cheena side or keena side.
recommendation: Franz Ferdinand
they have good music
PS: ehem. someone owns me a very very very BIG treat when i visit her next month. ehem ehem. my hint is very obvious..