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Saturday, June 25, 2005 @4:04 PM

Lady : Why do you like me, why do youlove me,dear?
Man :I don't know, need there be a reason to love you?

Lady :If you can't even tell me the reason, how can you profess that you love me?
Man :I may not know the reason, but I can provethat I love you.

Lady : Prove it to me? I don't want proof! If my friend's boyfriend can tell her the reason why he loves her, why can't you tell me?

Man :Ok Ok! I love you...
- because your voice is sweet
- because you are caring
- because you are loving
- because you are thoughtful
- because of your smile
- because of your every movement

The lady felt very satisfied with the man's answer. Unfortunately, a few days later, the lady met with an accident and had gone into a coma. The guy then placed a letter by her side, which said:

Darling, It is because of your sweet voice that
I love you...
Now can you talk? No! Therefore I cannot love you.

It is because of your care and concern for me that
Ilove you..
Now that you cannot show them, therefore Icannot love you.

It is because of your smile,
Now that you cannot smile, therefore I cannot love you.

It is because of your every movement that I love you.
.Now can you move?
No, therefore I cannot love you...

If love needs a reason, like now, there is no
reasonfor me to love you anymore.
Does love need a reason?


Therefore, I still Love You."

Sometimes the best and the most beautiful
things in the world cannot be seen, cannot be
touched, but can be felt in the heart

quite sweet i suppose..

my hols are ending soon.. like in 2 days time.. then it's a busy week of exams.. then yippie!!! lol..

hmm, i read this quote online just now..

no one dies a virgin cos life f*cks us up...


Friday, June 24, 2005 @9:39 AM


debo.. u gotta take a look at this clip.. your favourite celebrity.. haha, debo totally adores paris, right? we were out for dinner the other day and we were trashing paris. then debo whined "i like paris hilton okay! she's my idol." (or something like that) liz and i were o_O. ok, actually the bunch of us were horrified. but i guess i'm pretty fine with it since she likes britney spears too.. not when she's young and innocent and when she's "hot" and slutty. but look debo, i dedicate this entry solely to you. you are the first friend receiving such previlege yeah. lol. it's so weird to see debo in sch and outside sch. in mg she's like this prefect.. but when she's outside, she's totally different.. guess it's split personality. she's the best bimbo i've seen so far. lol.. debo.. here are some pics from the ad.. i'm sure you'll save it in your computer..

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and sadly to say, i'd actually be tempted to buy the burger.. esp if everyone's talking about it. imagine this scenerio..
friend1: hey where do you guys wanna go out for dinner
*everyone ponders*
friend2: have you seen the paris hilton ad? the one that she sexily cleans a car while eating a burger
friend3: oh yeah, i saw the ad too. the burger looks really good too.
friend1: alritey, let's try it out then...

haha, so if it's shown in singapore, i'm quite sure i'll try it at least once.


FASHION... low, lower, lowest....
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Thursday, June 23, 2005 @6:09 PM

what day is it
and in what month
this clock never seemed so alive
I can't keep up
and I can't back down
I've been losing so much time

cause it's you and me and all of the people
with nothing to do
nothing to lose
and it's you and me and all of the people
and I don't know why
I can't keep my eyes off of you

all of the things that I want to say
just aren't coming out right
I'm tripping inwards
you got my head spinning
I don't know where to go from here

cause it's you and me and all of the people
with nothing to do
nothing to prove
and it's you and me and all of the people
and I don't know why
I can't keep my eyes off of you

there's something about you now
I can't quite figure out
everything she does is beautiful
everything she does is right

you and me and all of the people
with nothing to do
nothing to lose
and it's you and me and all of the people
and I don't know whyI can't keep my eyes off of you

you and me and all of the people
with nothing to do
nothing to prove
and it's you and me and all of the people
and I don't know why
I can't keep my eyes off of you

what day is it
and in what month
this clock never seemed so alive

addicted to this song.... (:(:

Wednesday, June 22, 2005 @8:39 AM

Time for a diet
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great advertising strategy

A real thumbdrive
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kinda gross i'd say

Body Art
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Monday, June 20, 2005 @10:32 PM


he's crazy and sick.. oh my freaky! how can someone do that to a dog. he's mentally unstable.. trust such things to happen in America...

Sunday, June 19, 2005 @1:07 PM

yuppie.. i found this skin myself.. and i love it hell lot!!! it's the last week of the holidays and i'm dreading it. terms will come and go in a flash. then i've alot of activities lined up for the month of july.. installation, mg founder's, etc.

yesterday i was reading this story about glass dolls. how these glass dolls, stained with a witch's blood, would transform into human beings and find their fate. Their lives will thus be tangled with the love lives of their owners. So there are 13 glass dolls with 13 different stories.. happy or sad. There are a couple of sad stories, like how they are not cherished up their owners and eventually decided to give up.. which means, they leave their owners, even their doll-sized bodies disappear. It was a long story but quite well-written. So, after reading the story, i visited zhaohan's blog. yup, there's a doll with hollow eyes and stitched-up body on his blog skin. That's why i found it kinda freaky.. imagine this doll wakes up one day and visit zhaohan.. oh my!!! O_O.. (what an imagination). the doll story reminds me of Chucky. eww.. that was the first time I realized how ugly a doll can be and I also grown out of my barbie dolls years. The movie is so bloody and freaky. The doll story also reminds me of teletubbies. Some people say that there's this pearl-like thing in the teletubby's body. So the teletubby can actually walk by itself and stuff. imagine one night, po tapped your shoulders and say "eh-oh"..

Beckham's Bubble Bath (ooh, alliteration)
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i've no idea what they are advertising.. erm, bubble bath?

A toilet man would love to go
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A concerning letter to Dr Ruth regarding sex
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you guys should get it right? kinda hilarious

Friday, June 17, 2005 @9:23 PM

ok, i'm feeling tired writing stuff.. so i shall post pics..

check out this link: http://www.deviantart.com/view/17908194/

i can't believe this guy actually spend 500 hours using photoshop.. precisely why i don't dare to hotlink.. all the hard work.. haha.. and i can actually proclaim i do that.. yeah rite..

ok, next stop... pull out a magazine and try this out
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Monday, June 13, 2005 @10:48 AM

yesterday night, i watched "Iron Ladies" on tv. for people who have not heard of that show, it is a thai movie adapted from a real life story. It talks about how this volleyball team is made up of drag queens and how they defeated the "real" men and emerged victorious. well, indeed, "iron ladies" is a comedy, but it did try to convey us some kind of message. while watching the show, it's saddening to see how the men made fun and laughed at the drag queens and how the drag queens overcome it.. either by laughing off the matter, get into fights or cry.
I'm not homophobic... i guess. i'm pretty fine with gays, lesbians, transexuals, what have you. I don't find them very much different from man or women, homosexual, bisexual or heterosexual. we are almost all the same. just that they have this extra X or Y chromosome in their 23rd (is it? i forgot my bio). So, you can't blame, or even look down on them as they were born with it. it's just the same being a cripple, a mute, a blind.. ok, maybe it is even more tragic since this defect has something to do with your genes and not just your physical appearance. There's this song in "iron ladies" that set me thinking. although it was sung in a very comedian, relaxed manner, I think the lyrics are far from being casual. it talks about how drag queens have feeling, and if one is willing to open up their hearts and accept them, one will realize they are not much different from us.

alritey, i might not post regularly because.. i need to study for term exams.. urgh.. 2 more weeks.. darn!!!!

desperate Japs
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Thursday, June 09, 2005 @10:31 PM

I am finally back to civilisation and technology on the 8th June. Surprisingly I don't miss my computer that much.. actually I find the internet boring. I found the nicer things of life.. like seriously.. I learnt a lot from this trip.. and this trip had been fabulous overall, though we were like counting down to the days we can go home.

Zach, Jo and I are in charge of 2 classes.. a grade 3 and a grade 5. They are kids that are so cute, so thoughtful, so fun-loving, so understanding, and so willing to learn. My first taste of teaching and they turned out relatively good. These kids are quite good in English vocab, but the problem is they can't pronounce those words. So, the three of us would make them repeat after us whenever we teach them new words. And in order to make sure they really understand, we played games with them. Games like spelling-on-the-board competition and "Zach says".. like "Zach says Jump!" .. this will make sure they can link those words with the meaning. I am quite sure these games are pretty useful as after a while, u hear kids saying "Come here" "Run!" "Okay!" "Walk!".. Mr lynn said before, u are a successful teacher if the kids start using simple English words, so I was pretty touched. I think my kids are far more quiet and sensible that meishi, shar, fi, eunice's kids.. they taught really young kids and these kids are so naughty.. there's this boy called juli that looked like a spanish-malay mixed. he got brown hair, making him look so cute. but he has this devilish look. he looks like a possessed boy. Seriously, he crawls on the floor like a bear, climbs the tree like a monkey, hides in the bush like a tiger. My goodness! we were always afraid we might just pop out from a tree or under the bus or something. And cos he is so scary, we came out with this story about his family background. his dad is an angmoh and tried to strangle his mum, which is called julie and she died after saying "Oh my god" (cos Juli love to say this line.. he'd cover his eyes and said "oh my god!").. so we guessed that's why he was called juli and why he loved doing that. Ah, btw, he is not as innocent as the other kids. he smacked his butt at us and spat at us, in particular Zach cos he is always playing/fighting with Juli. Oh.. the funny thing is Juli with 2 other young boys pulled Zach's berms down.. that was a kodak moment. You shd have seen Zach's face.. it was like O_O! I realized that Jo is a major pedo.. worse than me.. she's absolutely crazy over Juli and then this small grade 1 kid, Juni.. she has this thing for the Ju's...

Throughout the trip, I made friends with many J2s, but there are definitely ppl that I can't stand. I don't wanna talk about them since this is a public blog. But, well, they definitely make the trip less boring cos we have targets to bitch about and laugh about. And we realized even the guys thought the same as well. They are worse.. they come out with nicknames. But wellz. I guess the trip is more fun with them around. J2s are cool peeps. I got to know more mg seniors which I don't know in mg at all. After today's facilitation, we went out for a movie, Mr and Mrs Smith. Great show. I felt that these J2s are nice people and I know they don't really like disrespectful juniors. Luckily, I'm not disrespectful unlike some people. So, I got along pretty well with them. Oh, and the J1 guys thought me and Jo were J2s cos we mixed around too much with the J2s girls. So sad.. they were like "oh, aren't u in j2?" .. "erm.. no.. i'm in 1 ahr".. But there are still some people I didn't get to talk to much during the trip.. either cos they are in a different village or they just have their own cliques. But maybe when we are in school next time, we can say "hi"

I think this bintan trip is truly an experience. a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Hello.. what are the chances of you not using a toilet with flush system for 8 days? But i adapted to it very quickly and too well. On the last night, we were treated a stay at the resort. and when i used the toilet, for a moment, I forgot the existence of a flush.. i actually thought I still needed a pail of water. haha. this trip should only include building a library and english teaching. but as we all know, indo edu system, esp in a small island, like bintan, it is quite screwed. they didn't inform us that mon and tue is a school holiday as some kids are having exams. So in the end, we did the most unexpected thing ever. we painted the community hall and planted trees in the school compound. ok, it's a change.. not bad a change. at least i learnt to paint pretty well.

In bintan, we went for a few tours. 2 mangrove tours and a fishing tour. The night mangrove tour was exhilarating. This is the first time I see so many stars in the sky. They are all clustered and shining so brightly.. really damn super pretty. I even caught sight of a shooting star.. actually most of us saw it.. julius is quite poor thing.. whenever he did not look up, there's a shooting star, so as we were heading back, we kept his eyes sticked to the sky.. and the worst thing is, there is no more shooting star. In one of the facilitation, when asked abt the one thing he regret, he said "not keeping my head up at all times to look at shooting stars" funny chap.. during the night tour, we also saw many fireflies.. really pretty fireflies.. there are so many that u can just catch them and put them on your hands. Jo is such a bimbo.. she caught them and put them on her head so that her head looks pretty.. and we thought the fireflies actually landed on her head. our boatman is a really horny man with weird laughter. there's this j2 girl who caught his attention. so he goes like "meishi.. i caught this firefly for you" "meishi is my friend, i want to give this firefly to you" "when i visit singapore, meishi will bring me around right.." "meishi......" he said "meishi" so grossly.. he sounds super turned on.. the worst thing is when we go on the mangrove tour in the afternoon, he became or volunteered to be our guide.. eww.. there he goes again "meishi, can u see the snake" "meishi, this flower is for you" "meishi can u see the mangrove trees".. oh my freaky hell.. he's a weirdo..

alrite.. that's a pretty long wordy entry..


mgs acjc


andre aisyah bonnie chun huat debo gayle gerrad inez jem jo jo's lj jun liane lucas max mich tung ruth shawn shellz yanyun yuenkay zhaohan z-degrees indiesurfer regnyouth sandy's music



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