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Tuesday, May 31, 2005 @12:02 PM

8 days without my broadband
8 days without my bed
8 days without my toilet
8 days without...

ok, I will survive.. haha.. hmm, actually I can't wait.. i dun mind everything except the toilets. i hope the toilets are better than i expected.. i'm expecting the worse.. oh wellz.. Bintan bintan bintan.. lalalala..

listening to lifehouse at the moment.. they've nice songs.. tata.. see all of you 8 days from now..

Monday, May 30, 2005 @5:08 PM

Why You shouldn't visit a rich friend...

One time while visiting a very rich friend, his
housemaid asked me what I want to drink and
here's how it went.

Question : What would you like to have ..Fruitjuice, Soda, Tea, Chocolate, Capuccino,Frapuccino, or Coffee?
Answer: Tea please

Question : Ceylon tea, Indian tea, Herbal tea,Bush tea, Honey bush tea, Iced tea or green tea ?Answer : Ceylon tea

Question : How would you like it? black or white?
Answer: white

Question: Milk, Whitener, or Condensed milk ?
Answer: With milk

Question: Goat milk, Camel milk or cow milk
Answer: With cow milk please.

Question: Milk from Freeze land cow or Afrikanercow?
Answer: Um, I'll just take it black.

Question: Would you like it with sweetener, sugaror honey?
Answer: With sugar

Question: Beet sugar or cane sugar ?
Answer: Cane sugar

Question: White, brown or yellow sugar ?
Answer: Forget about the tea, just give me a glassof water instead.

Question: Mineral water, tap water or distilledwater ?
Answer: Mineral water

Question: Flavored or non-flavored ?
Answer: I'd rather die of thirst

The perfect guy
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oh no.. so sad.. haha..

Thursday, May 26, 2005 @7:42 PM

this week is the week whereby lots of things are happening in school.. camelot and lots of finals for sports. it is the week that most ac spirit is being displayed. i truly feel like an acsian when i'm cheering on for acjc school teams. on wednesday, the netball team played against hwa chong. We beat hwa chong 52-31 or sth. and they are 8-times champions and we made history by clinching the first title ever since netball was introduced into the A div championships. In Toa Payoh stadium, the atmosphere was intense. True, hwa chong supporters displayed a good school spirit, but we did better. heh. and we got good players. those ij tp girls, esp kah yee.. she's the player of the match. she's super good at finding open spaces and she's always running around. very good player.
today the whole school went down to police academy to watch the rugby finals. we rocked the whole place down. we beat rj, the defending champions, 23-nil. our players are really united. u can just see. and our 1800 supporters really showed ac spirit. we were like cheering our lungs out. "let's go ac let's go" "ac boleh" "a..a..a..AC" etc. throughout the whole match, we were cheering. super fun. rj supporters.. hmm, well, it's quite surprising to see not much rj spirit in them.. as compared to ac of coz. i was quite surprised cos i tot they'd send a lot of people down too. oh well, we did well. 2 championships consecutively.. hopefully we get some kind of half-day tmr. hahaha... fat hope i supp

but there are some disappointing news. Liverpool won. argh.. AC milan was leading 3-0 at 1st half. think they were complacent cos they end up having penalty shoots (3-3) and liverpool won. actually i dun support any of the two teams, i just merely prefer ac milan to liverpool.
Carrie won american idol. we predicted bo to win. cos u c, white girl, black guy, black girl.. so it shd be white guy rite? but it's white girl.. carrie is like carmen and kelly clarkson. simon has this thing for blonde girls. he just can't resist them. i prefer bo cos he got a character of his own. but he is too rocker. haha, his long hair makes him look so shaggy.. like on drugs.

i watched camelot yesterday. woohoo.. super good. super professional. super worth 30 bucks. king arthur acted super well. the whole play itself is really good. the script. the dramatic irony. "my right arm" "where's king arthur" when lancelot just made him unconscious. but the singing was abit off-tune. haha. and the dance.. it's pro but it looks the same all the time.

Monday, May 23, 2005 @1:39 PM

it's ok if you dun understand.. dun u think it's quite cute.. haha..

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hahaha.. yup, i'm childish. i can't wait for sch this week. so much activities. tommorrow's not a looking-forward day cos i'm chinese tingli then, i gotta hand in my history term papers. urgh.. dunno if i wrote it correctly. oh wellz. then wed, it's camelot!! yay! i'm going to watch. if i'm not wrong it's netball finals as well. then then. on thur, it's rugby finals. should be interesting since the whole school is going down. ac Vs rj.. haha. yeah, and i get to miss IH tutorial. yes! one less tutorial outline to prepare. and friday is the last day of school for the term. woohoo.. june hols here i come.

Friday, May 20, 2005 @8:02 PM

I am sure in every class there would be an outcast or someone whom no one can relate or befriend. I'm quite sure in every class, there will be one such person. what matters is how we deal with the situation. do we leave it alone or we try to make him/her part of us. it is pretty obvious in my sec3 and 4 class there was one such person. she tried very hard to fit in, saying corny jokes that only she found funny. hmm, but still no one can actually stand her, other than those really sweet and kind girls in my class. only these girls will actually talk to her when she approaches us. the rest of us will either give her cold looks or being super sarcastic to him.. practically ignore her existence. i admit i'm not a very nice person resulting me behaving as the above. well, i don't know why i can't stand her. maybe it's her character? her attitude? she's competitive and selfish. the a2 girls will know what i'm talking about. and she moves around from group to group, seeing if she fit in in any. as my group is filled with lovely souls, she found a nest to lay her eggs on. thus, soon, we see her face popping in every recess and lunch we have and occassionally, she will make a comment or two. well, although down inside i feel abit uncomfortable or i'll jus roll my eyes till they touch the ceiling, i'm not one who will confront her, so thus this continues. of coz of coz there are people in class who bluntly proclaim their distaste, and all of us will just laugh over it. i know it's mean, but we can't help it.. in a crude way, she's the laughingstock in the class and a bitching topic. i admit once again, i bitch about her once in a while, but it's unavoidable... seriously! i'm feeling so guilty now.. ok, but she left for overseas, so it's not too bad.. but apparently she hasn't changed much.. so much so talking about the times i had in mg

forwarding to current time, my current class. of cos there are also people whom you can't stand or don't belong to the same frequency. thus often i feel quite irritated. sheez, i dun wanna talk about my class so much. yup.. there might be classmates reading my blog. so, overall, my class is fine. i found a group of great frens i can relate to. and i get along rather well with the rest of the class. sometimes, ppl might do things much to your displeasure, but everyone has their days, after a day, we tend to forget about it and all things' fine again..

everyone must be wondering.. why am i talking about classes now. i dunno.. probably inspired by this class rep leadership training i had yesterday. whereby teachers talked to us about teachers' expectations and etc. and today, mr mashren gave us a pep talk. something that struck me, and being a class rep, it does impact me quite abit. he said that "why whenever there are competitions, events, why isn't ahred not mentioned at all?" he doesn't hear ahred's name anywhere during assembly. yeah, it's true. maybe our class is just not so enthu or maybe we have other commitments as a group/cca but just happens not to be as a class.

i wanted to post some cute pics up.. but photobucket died on me.. tmr then..

Sunday, May 15, 2005 @3:56 PM

yesterday was my interact club's day trip to batu pahang. the itinary was not too bad, but what make the trip so super enjoyable was the bonds that were forged during the whole trip. i got to know alot of the interactors better and enjoyed those joking around moments. yeah, i know it sounds cliche but i'm sure most of us who went for the trip felt that this trip is better than any other bonding sessions.. yeah, this is a supposed-to-be bonding session, but i think it exceeds far more than forging bonds. yeah, i really enjoyed myself throughout the trip. i've this feeling that next year's committee is gonna be a crazy one. gen and eunice are in it and eunice's like a mama, haha, so it should be really cozy. working with all of them should be quite an experience.

ok, talking about the trip, we visited a fish farm and dialysis center. not much actually.. that's y i said the long hours in the bus and the shopping time were more significant. oh, there's this brazilian guy, alex, who was with us throughout the trip with other malaysian interactors. the malaysians were supposed to have an exam yesterday or monday, but they looked super relaxed. so either they are smart or the papers are easily or it's both scenerios. alex has been staying in malaysia for 10 months and he was telling us about his experiences and stuff. quite an interesting guy. he can't pronounce my name right. he called me "cereal" but eventually he got abit yeah, abit better.

and on my way back, kong jien talked to me. he was just telling me stuff about the things i should look out for and how i should manage the club. he is a really efficient and good president. it's quite pressurizing cos i am not sure if i can be as capable as him. yup, i'll just try my best. he's one guy who's really dedicated to interact club. and i love one sentence he said to me, "be the last to say interact sucks"

btw, the shopping time i had, (anti-climax, yes i noe) i bought a red adidas bag. gen bought a black one. it's cheaper by 9 bucks here, obviously buy rite? i feel so good after shopping. like REALLY GOOD! i haven't shopped for quite some time man, so you can't blame me.

-listening to busted's thunderbirds are go
Spring breaks come around
And there's more heros to be found
There's something major going down on Tracy island (island)

Weapons underground
Keeping our planet safe and sound
If someone evils coming round
They should be frightened (frightened)

Cause now the boys are back in town
No strings to hold them down...down...

Don't be mad please, stop the hating
just be glad that they'll be waiting friends we have are ever changing you
Now the lids about to blow when the thunderbirds are go

Kids are learning fast
They no the t-birds kick some ass
Be sure that there's no coming last
If you're on their side (their side)

It always looks so cool
When spaceships come out of the pool
You no that you'd just be a fool
To be a bad guy (bad guy)

Cause now the boys are back in town
No strings to hold them down...down...

Don't be mad please, stop the hating
Just be glad that they'll be waiting
Friends we have are ever changing you
Now the lids about to blow

When the thunderbirds are go
Thunderbirds are go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!

Don't be mad please stop the hating
Just be glad that they'll be waiting
Friends we have are ever changing you
Now the lid's about to blow When the thunderbirds are go

Thunderbirds are, Thunderbirds are go

song of the day

Friday, May 13, 2005 @6:50 PM

haha, well, my friday was quite bad.. actually, it was quite bad for the whole class.. we were lamenting how bad our day were during math.. haha, the lit ppl have 3 tests in a day (i had 2 btw.. econ essay and econs mcq,drq test). then jolene's dog pee-ed on her shoes in the morning so she gotta borrow her neighbour's shoes which was too big for her. everyone got their own accidents today. haha. hmm i had mine as well. I FAILED MY SEA HIST TEST!!!!!!!!!! urgh!!! and failed quite badly as well. i kinda expected it cos i didn't finish my exposition and the part that i didn't write was quite important. DAMN!!! haha, and i kinda wrote my argument wrongly.. i knew it actually, but because i didn't have the time to think during the test aka blank out i couldn't structure my argument the way i wanted it to be, so i structured them in demographics and like what ms ng said, it's cut-and-paste format. very guilty i guess.. but i've no choice.. if i dun do it that way, i don't know how to write my essay.. i dun think many ppl know what i'm babbling about.. history students! *nerdy grin*.. like what liz tagged, i wondered if i'm better off being a geog student, studying volcanos, crust, limestone, rivers, rocks.. haha, ok.. maybe not. i might die of boredom.
oh, i'm the president of interact club. very unexpected. i was expecting vice-p or secretary. i feel quite bad.. cos huat was supp to be the prez and he wanted to be one, but i took his place. nvm, he still have photoc. i'm sure he'll get into the exco and the prez even cos he's the most experienced there. good luck to him then. haha, i've a very good secretary, GEN and a cool loanshark, EUNICE. plus plus, they are both running for council!! (: so the exco is made up of 4 girls, 3 guys.. mg dominated. yay!
acjc is quite gloomy these two weeks. two deaths consecutively.. fellow students of acjc. quite depressing. first was this girl who died from leukaemia. she was a mg girl and a pure history student as well. know that because ms chuah was telling us abt her.. abt how she didn't come to school for half a year but still got a a2 for history. then this week, was this guy who died suddenly. cause of death unknown and i dont really what to comment cos it's not really nice since he's already gone and we all dunno much abt him. so shouldn't make guesses. to these two seniors, i just wanna say R.I.P.
i guess my entry ended at such a depressing note.
oh, i'm going to malaysia tmr.. batu pahang.. should be fun. remind myself: bring passport!

Wednesday, May 11, 2005 @4:27 PM

we did this personality test in school which is supp to be 95% accurate. i did sth like that in mg before, but i can't remember my results
anw, i'm an S/I. meaning my main personality is S but at times, I'll show the traits of I
- good listener; team player; possessive; predicatable; understanding; friendly
- reliable and dependable
- compliant towars authority
- good listener; patient and empathetic
- good at reconciling conflicts

- resist change
- takes a longer time to adjust to change
- holds a grudge; sensitive to criticism
- difficulty establishing priorities
- greatest fear: loss of security

i think some traits really descibe me.. like difficulty in establishing priorities.. very guilty of that. haha.

the traits of I are ethusiastic, trusting, impulsive, emotional, creative problem solver, inattentive to detail..

ok, so.. i'm a SI so i'm an advisor. Anna Sullivan (hellen keller's teacher), Oprah, Elton John are all in this catogory. Lots of people in my class.. like the majority are I/S, which make them advisors/counselor as well. I think most arts students have an 'I' trait. cos most of the people in my class have an 'I' trait, either the main or the minor character.

An advisor is one who exhibit warmth, symphathy and understanding in their approach to people. They possess a casual kind of poise in most social situation. They typically don't attempt to force their ideas on others, and in a conflict are likely to be overly flexible. If conflict is serious, they may withdraw and rather work at resolution. They tend to take criticism of their work as a personal affront. They can sometimes be overly tolerant and patient with non-producers. Advisors prefer to deal with people on a intimate basis in a low-pressure situation. Their managers should realize that advisors tend to allow too much lead time on projects. They need personal attention and compliments for assignments that are well done. Their best work will be done when a piblic viewing is likely (hahahaha, aka attention-seeker). They are instinctive team players and work best in an environment of acceptance and serenity..

yeah, that's what my personality is supposed to be. It gonna be quite cool doing pw in my class cos almost all of us are good team players. Gonna be really cool, i guess. HAHA. and there's this personality trait 'D' that is direct, decisive, high ego, self-starter, risk-taker. Hmm, and there's this super good debater who will tend to always fight for her rights. Yup, indeed, her main personality is D. so i guess it's quite accurate..

g2g.. off to study cuban missile crisis and vietnam war.. maybe a bit korean war. and definitely not arab-israeli conflict. tata

Tuesday, May 10, 2005 @8:18 PM

my all time favourite korean song..

ftts- condition of my heart

it's one of the korean songs that i wouldn't feel tired listening to it after thousands of time.. just like how my class used to love jay chou's an jing... and today ppl were humming his jian dan ai. yeah, but this song has a lovely tune.. jus d./l and listen to it..

ps: my tastes shouldn't be that bad

Saturday, May 07, 2005 @4:07 PM

i just read an article just now saying that the new SAT writing component gives high grades to long essays and lower grades to short ones without even looking at the content of the essay. says so much abt the american education. fancy thinking people use SAT grades to get into ivy leagues, though true, GPA, too, is impt. But GPA is sch-based.. jus like prelims.. if your sch is pretty lenient, then good for you. so much for "it's the quality that counts, not quantity" apparently it doesn't apply here. hmm, haha, maybe i'm being a sour grape for doing so badly in my SAT. i took the last one of the old SAT and i heard it was meant to be really tough. no wonder i did so badly. my other fren didn't do as well as expected too. i might re-take it early next year. jus in case i got a scholarship or for better opportunities into SMU.

hehe.. some funny stuff
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off to study math, hist and econs

Thursday, May 05, 2005 @10:22 PM

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Sunday, May 01, 2005 @9:02 AM

If a barber makes a mistake,
It's a new style...

If a driver makes a mistake,
It is an accident...

If a doctor makes a mistake,
It's an operation...

If a engineer makes a mistake,
It is a new venture...

If parents makes a mistake,
It is a new generation...

If a politician makes a mistake,
It is a new law...

If a scientist makes a mistake,
It is a new invention...

If a tailor makes a mistake,
It is a new fashion...

If a teacher makes a mistake ,
It is a new theory...

If our boss makes a mistake,
It is our mistake...

If an employee makes a mistake,
It is a "MISTAKE"!!

summing up my week, I got to say it was not too bad cos i've no tests this week. but next week is a killer.. i have my SEA history test. yuck.. i'll probably blank out. then the following few weeks are tests and more tests, then finally june hols. Oh, i'm going to Bintan for OCIP (overseas community involvement programme) from 1-8June. I'm gonna go to this village to teach english and build a library. Sounds really meaningful. i even have to go for english-training lessons. so professional huh? but i heard the place doesn't have electricity. ok, 8days w/o computer, ipod, tv.. i'll survive.. of coz i will.. lol

hmm, i had my interact committee interviews. it was quite freaky. The always-cheerful president looks super scary that day. Oh well, interviews are meant to be scary. I screw up some part, esp the part when they asked why i want the post of a vice-pres instead of president. i screwed up quite badly...

then, i had my 1st ed board meeting. We were like having a picnic and just having loads of fun talking.. haha, but things'll get serious soon.. gotta start writing articles for the annual book. i think.

I think i'm really slow in terms of gossip in class. That's really sad.. lol. haha, ok that's so random.


mgs acjc


andre aisyah bonnie chun huat debo gayle gerrad inez jem jo jo's lj jun liane lucas max mich tung ruth shawn shellz yanyun yuenkay zhaohan z-degrees indiesurfer regnyouth sandy's music



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