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Wednesday, April 27, 2005 @6:27 PM

ok.. that was unintentional. hmm, i've been really busy.. reaching home at 6 is like no big deal. Anyway, i wanted to blog cos i wanted to talk abt this movie i watched in school. daniel tan was screening this jap movie "battle royale". it's a bloody (literally) but great movie. It talks about how the govt will choose this class of high school kids and thrown them into the island. The main motive of it is for them to kill themselves and the last one alive is the winner. and if there's still no winner after 3 days (the deadline) the metal dogchain on each kid's neck will be triggered. and BOOM.. there goes your neck. Some scenes of the show are how this guy wanted to have sex with this girl and she was so pissed that she kept stabbing his groin area. Similarly, another girl had sex with this two guys and stabbed them to death in similar areas as well. guys tend to die easily that way huh? Another one was this guy's head got chopped off and it was rolling on the ground.

You must be wondering.. why the hell do the sch screen such a morbid show.. well well, there are certain themes in the movie that are worth thinking about. Friendships.. true or fake? Are you willing to trust your fren at this pt of time when you are supp to betray each other so as to survive. Or are you the one who is gonna betray your friends when faced with such a scenerio. There are really many scenes that deplict this theme. And also love as well.. when people don't confess early.. Yup, so I guess that's why he was willing to screen it as there are really many instances whereby you feel so touched when how the kids looked after each other, helped each other along the way. While some just don't trust each other and eventually killing each other. If you wanna know the ending or just watch the whole movie, go rent it. It's really a must-watch. One of the best jap movies i've watched.

Thinking abt it, I think only korean and jap directors are willing to screen such bloody movies. I seldom see so much blood scenes in a hollywood movie. All the good ghost movies are from asia, like the ring, shutter, ju-on, etc..

the history society is screening 13days on friday. it's about the cuban missile crisis i think.. wanna watch that as well..

Monday, April 25, 2005 @6:52 PM

The New Discrimination is Intraracial
Pacific News Service, Youth Commentary,Grace Hsiang,
Apr 15, 2005
Editor's Note: A young Asian American woman examines the sometimes-bitter debate among her peers between holding fast to one's heritage or embracing a more dominant "American" culture.

IRVINE, Calif.--Today in my sociology class, the teacher asked the students to volunteer our own experiences with racism or ethnic harassment. I imagined the responses would once again feature the ongoing battle between white vs. minority. Instead, to my surprise, most of the students told of being discriminated against and marginalized by members of their own ethnic group.

In the Asian community, the slurs heard most often are not terms such as "hollywood" or "hollywood," but rather "FOB" ("Fresh Off the Boat") or "white-washed" (too assimilated). When Asian Americans hit puberty, they seem to divide into two camps, each highly critical of the other.

Members of the first cling to their ethnic heritage. They tend to be exclusive in their friendships, often accepting only "true Asians." They believe relationships should remain within the community, and may even opt to speak their parents' native language over English in public.

Members of the second group reject as many aspects of Asian culture as possible and concentrate on being seen as American. They go out of their way to refuse to date within the community, embrace friends outside their ethnic circle, and even boast to others about how un-Asian they are.

"My co-worker is Vietnamese," 19-year-old Carol Lieu remarked, "but she will yell at you if you speak it to her and pretend that she doesn't understand."

Second generation Asian Americans often face pressure from their parents, who believe that the privileges we are allowed in this country make us spoiled and ungrateful. Many of us very much want to belong to our parents' community, but we cannot completely embody one culture when we are living in another.

The pressures we face force many of us to feel we must choose one culture over another. We can either cling to our parent's ideology, or rebel against it and try to be "American."

The problems start when those who have made one choice discriminate against those who have made the other. I've heard ethnocentric Asians speak with disgust about Asians who wear Abercrombie and Fitch (which is viewed as the ultimate "white" brand), or make fun of those who don't know their parents' language. This perspective even made it into the recent hit movie "Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle." John Cho's character complains about a girl who is pursuing him despite his lack of interest: She "rambles on about her East Asian Students Club or whatever. Then I have to actually pretend that I give a s--t or she calls me a Twinkie ... yellow on the outside, white on the inside."

"People act disappointed that I can't speak Japanese fluently," a student of Mexican and Japanese ancestry in my sociology class complained this morning. "I don't see anyone giving me credit for speaking fluent Gaelic."

On the other side, second-generation kids who refuse to assimilate are called FOBs. The cars they drive are derided as "Rice Rockets," and their pastimes and ways of dressing are stereotyped as exclusively Asian. "We live in America," one freshman political science major recalls more assimilated friends telling her. "Don't bring your culture here."

Not all young Asian Americans buy into the dichotomy between "FOBs" and "Twinkies." Many, like me, understand the term "Asian American" in all its complexity, and embrace all sides of our identity. Rather than identifying with one culture or another, my friends and I accept both.

You should identify with your heritage "because that's who you are," Ricky Kim, founder of the online journal Evil Monito, has said. "But don't be ignorant of the culture you grew up in -- that's being ungrateful."

Asian Americans grow up experiencing enough difficulties living in a predominately white country with the face of a foreigner. The gap between races is wide enough without drawing lines within ethnicities and communities. We can avoid this internal discrimination simply by recognizing that we are of two cultures -- and that in itself creates a new culture that should be fully celebrated.

PNS contributor Grace Hsiang, 18, is a freshman at the University of California at Irvine and an intern for SOMA magazine in San Francisco.

although she is just a student, her ideas and perspective is rather interesting, and to a some extent true. FOBs.. a name most Asian Americans do not wish to be called. I believe that Asian Americans are facing an identity crisis. While some hope to retain their cultural heritage.. i'm pretty sure some Chinese in America are more traditional than we are here in Singapore. But there are some who just want to get out of their culture circle and be like a banana. yellow on the outside, white in the inside. I think that's really sad. No matter how much u change the way you behave the way u speak, the way u think, u can't turn into a blue-eyed blonde. U will most probably be labelled as desperados by the whites and be octracized by your race. Just a food for thought. hmm, no offence to anyone out there.

Saturday, April 23, 2005 @4:28 PM

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betty boop
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baby huey
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quite freaky actually. but when i looked at this pics, it's like reviving childhood. it's such an embarrassment, i used to be a big fan of power rangers. I remembered i watched it every sat 10 or 11am. my sis'd be the pink ranger while mine was the yellow one. at that time, the yellow ranger was some Asian girl. my 1st crush was the green-or-sometimes-white ranger. no kidding man. now, thinking abt it, it's so stupid.. all the monsters that looked so ugly and fake now, the big bulky machines they used to kill those monsters. what's amusing to me now is the skintight costumes they wear. my gosh.. at least i don't have a deprived childhood, right? hmm, i was also a big fan of little miss and mr men. i remembered vividly that i woke up early.. like 7.. just to watch the cartoon. I also read the books. haha, the cartoon talked abt the lives of different characters and i think they are really cute. i still like them now. but i don't think kids these days know what they are (ok, sounds like i'm so old.. but truthfully, that was at least 10 years ago.. )

talking about childhood days, those books i read were also very "interesting". first, it was enid blyton, then babysitter's club, then sweet valley, then nancy drew's. the only good author i read is roald dahl. he's such a cool writer. my favourite book's danny and the chocolate factory. his description of the chocolate factory was so good that i always wanted to eat chocs after reading the book. But, if you realize, some of his descriptions are rather gross, esp if you read those books he wrote for adults. nevertheless, he's one great writer. The rest of the books mentioned abover were really leisure crap books if i were to read it again now. But, i got to know abt the SAT test since i was primary 3 cos i read one of the sweet valley high's books which was talking about how Jessica and Elizabeth fared in the tests.

oooh, going back to recent time, I got into ed board by writing about this performance we had on international friendship day. there's a welcome tea whereby i got to bring something that represents myself.. still trying to think what to bring. i can't stand pw.. mainly because i still haven't had an idea on what to do. i will be doing qn2 but there's no creative ideas in my brain right now.. so much for the entree course that i'm doing now. oh, yesterday was so so so so much fun. i love my mg pals. we had a gathering last night and we basically talked .. ok, more like gossipped so much. i nv knew pj allowed girls to wear pants. that's quite cool, but it's like cross-dressing man. I miss liz so much. life in ac feels abit empty w/o my talking-crap partner. and debo, she's so thick-skinned to ask us if we miss her. erm, and we are critical enough to tell her "no" lol. awww.. debo, are you feeling so depressed now. ;p and debo still refused to show us her nj uniform cos she thinks it looks really horrid. well, ac uniform's still the preetiest.. liz looked smart in sa uniform. yar, and sa is one cool sch that allows drawstrings. mdm tham will come after us if we've drawstrings cos she says it looks untidy. oh wellz.. practically half of the girl's population wears drawstrings anw..
quite a loong update.. haha

Wednesday, April 20, 2005 @6:48 PM

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how polluted your mind is?
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hmm, to be honest, i can only see 2 dolphins!!! that's depressing..

ok, tomorrow's gonna be exciting. i'm gonna meet the s.african president! haha, more like i'm gonna hear him speak. can imagine all the media and the masses of people, and all the big shots. guess it's gonna be quite a prestigious talk. the topic is quite obvious: Asia-Africa relations. looking forward to that actually.. partly becoz i get to miss some lessons. oh, and nobody wanna join the entree course. actually there is, but all not confirm. i need people.. like desperately.. *CRIES* yeah, and it's bad timing cos it's during the sporting and performing arts season and they gotta practice/train.. so most can't make it although they want to. i also signed up for OCIP in june.. gonna be english teachers in bintan. hopefully i get chosen cos i really wanna go. tho i think there's alot of preparations before going, i'm sure it's quite a cool experience. heard stories abt no electricity and toilets.. but i still wanna go..

Sunday, April 17, 2005 @5:29 PM

By some korean writer
Translated by Sonic1004

I....Love....a... guy....
But....He...is....not... by my side....anymore....
I loved... him...
I.... really loved him..
He’s....not in.... this world now....:..:

A Doll's Dream :..: I
My age is twenty two..I have a friend who grew up with me for 20 years and also a boyfriend...
He's name is Jun Jin...
.I always thought him..as a friend
until.....last winter.....
when we went to a trip from a club
Before that winter was over, I took a step and confessed my love to him..
we became a pair of lovers.
He and I loved each other in different ways.....
I always concentrated on him but by his side,there was so many other girls. To me he was the only one and to him I was just another person

"Jin...Do you want to go watch of a movie...?"
"I can’t..."
"Why...?Do you need to study at home?"
"No. I’m going to meeting....."
"......yeah.....It’s alright, right...?"
"Ah Yeah.."

He... was always like that...
He met girls in front of me....
like it was nothing...
To him...I was just a girlfriend...
The word love.....came out only from my mouth...
He never said that he loves...me

To us....Their wasn’t any anniversaries.
He never said anything starting from the first day.....
and it continued.....for
...200 days...
Just handed me a little doll everyday before we say bye for a pity...

"Don’t worry about me and just go wash your feet and sleep.. "
"..What.....don’t drag and just say it.."
"......you......um......just take this and go in..."

That’s how he ignored my confession and handed me the doll...
Then he disappeared like he was running away.....
The dolls I received from him everyday filled my room...one by one...

and another day came. It was my twenty second birthday. When I got up in the morning. I pictured a party with him and stranded myself in the room waiting for his call..

But lunch passed...
dinner passed....
and until a dark night came.

he didn’t call. It was already tiring to look at the phone. Around 2 in the morning... He called and told me to come outside of the house.
I still felt joy and ran outside...


He, again, handed me a little doll...

"I didn’t give you one today. I’m leaving~"
"...wai.....wait...!!Do you.....know....what today was..?"

I felt absurd.
I thought he would remember at least my birthday. He turned around and walked away like nothing happened....

"..What?...You have something to say...?"
"Tell me....you...love me..."
"TELL ME!!!"

I put my pathetic mind behind and clung to him. But he just said simple.....cold....words and left...
"I don’t want to say....I love someone....that easily. If you’re desperate to hear those....then find someone else...."

My legs...felt numb....and collapsed down on the ground...He...didn’t want to say it easily..
How....could....he say.... that so easily....I felt that.....He...maybe...a guy.... that’s not right for me...:..

: A Doll’s Dream :..: II

After that day, I stopped calling him and stranded myself home, just crying...
He...didn’t....give a call.....and.....I was...waiting for it....
Just a little doll outside of my house every morning..

That’s how those dolls piled up in my room everyday.

After a month, I got myself together and went to sch

But I saw him on a street.....
With another girl picking out a doll....
He had.....a smile....on his face...
which he...never....showed it...to me before....
as he....touched the dolls....
I ran straight back home and looked at the dolls in my room....

Tears....fell.....Why did he give these to me
Those areprobably picked out by some other girls....
By my anger, I threw those dolls everywhere....

Then...the phone...rang.......it was him.....
He told me to come out to the bus stop...
I calmed myself down for the last timeand walked towards to the bus stop...And kept reminding myself...
That...I’m going to forget about him...that...it’s going...to end....He came...into my sight....He was holding....a big...doll...today....

"Aul~I thought you were pissed"
"You really came?"

I couldn’t help hating him...acting like...nothing happened as he joked around...
Soon, He held out the doll as usual.

"This is....the last..."
"I don’t need it..."

I grabbed the doll from him and threw it on the road...
"I don’t need this doll....I don’t need it anymore. I really.....don’t want to see a person like you..."

I....spitted out all the words....that were inside of me...

But....unlike other days....his eyes....were shaking..."I’m sorry..."Jin apologized in a tiny voice and walked over to the doll to pick it up

"You stupid!Why are you picking that up!Just throw it away!!!!"
But...Jin ignored me...and went to pick up the doll...


With a loud honk..
A big truck was heading towards Jin....

But Like a deaf person, Jin squatted down and picked up the doll...


That’s how he went away from me...
That’s how....he went away from me...without opening his eyes....without.....saying a one word to me...

After that day...I had to go through....every day...with guiltiness.....and sadness.....of...losing him....
And after spending 2 months...like a crazy person...In my eyes...those dolls from him....came in...Those dolls...that I couldn’t...even look at.....
Only gift.....that he left me....since....we started to....go out...I...remembered the days I spent with him...and started to count the days....during we loved each other...

"One......two........three......."That’s how....I started to count...the dolls....without noticing that the night was going by....

"Four hundred...eighty..one.........four hundred eighty.......two....................four hundred eighty.....three.........four hundred eighty..four......four hundred..eighty...five..."

Ending with 485...the dolls were all gone..I started to cry...with the dolls....in my arms..


"I love you~ I love you~"

I dropped the dolls...shocked......I...lo...ve you...?

I..picked up the doll...carefully and pressed....it’s stomach...
"I love you~ I love you~ "

....It....can’t be..........I......pressed all the doll’s stomach....Ipiled up on the side...

"I love you~ I love...."
"I love you..."
"I love you..."

Those words....came out....nonstop....I....love.... you...Why..didn’t I realize thathis heart was always protecting me by my side....that....he.... loves....me....this much...I....took out the box under....the bed like a crazy person...

The last.....doll with blood stains....left by Jin....
I carefully picked up the doll...and pressed...it’s stomach....

And....the voice came out....was....his voice.....that I was missing.....so much.....

"ChaeYun Ah....Do you.... know what....today is....? We’ve been loving each otherfor...........486 days.....Do you know.....what 486 is.....?..........um........I couldn’t say.....that I love.....you.....since I was so shy....If you.....take this doll.....then.....I’ll say....that I love you.....till I die...ChaeYun Ah..............I love you......~"


He....can't.....be....by my side...but......he.....loved....me.....until....his last minute....For that.......and for that reason to me.....it became a courage....to...live a beautiful....life...

A Doll’s Dream -The end-

I know it's super drama, but i find it a great story. *sniff**cries*

Saturday, April 16, 2005 @10:21 PM

BOY : I can't leave you ...

GIRL : Do you love me so much??

BOY : It's not that. You're standing on my foot.


GIRL : May I hold your hand??

BOY : No thanks, it isn't heavy.


GIRL : Did you miss me while I was away??

BOY : Were you away??


GIRL : Who was that girl I saw you kissing last night?

BOY : What time was it??


GIRL : Say you love me! Say you love me!

BOY : You love me ...

GIRL : If we become engaged will you give me a ring??

BOY : Sure, what's your phone number??


GIRL : I think the poorest people are the happiest ...

BOY : Then marry me and we'll be the happiest couple.


GIRL : Do you remember when you proposed to me? I was so overwhelmed, I couldn't speak for an hour .

BOY : Yes Darli! ng, that was the happiest hour of my life ...


GIRL : Darling, I want to dance like this forever ...

BOY : Don't you ever want to improve??


GIRL : I love you and I could die for you!

BOY : How soon??


GIRL : Do you think it was fate which brought us together?

BOY : Nah, it was plain bad luck

Thursday, April 14, 2005 @7:41 PM

She remembers everything, FOREVER.

RAM Woman:
She forgets about you, the moment you turn her off.

Everyone knows that she can't do a thing right, but no one can live without her.

EXCEL Woman:
They say she can do a lot of things but you mostly use her for your four basic needs.

She is good for nothing but at least she is fun!

Difficult to access.

Always busy when you need her.

She makes horrible things look beautiful.

CD-ROM Woman:
She is always faster and faster.

E-MAIL Woman:
Every ten things she says, eight are nonsense.

VIRUS Woman:
Also known as "WIFE"; when you are not expecting her, she comes, installs herself and uses all your resources. If you try to uninstall her you will lose something, if you don't try to uninstall her you will lose everything............

Always trying to SCAN everything...... getting her nose on our business, ALERTing us to provide her with latest UPDATES and trying to put total control of what we should and shouldn't do.

haha. funny huh?
anw, i'm down with flu.. so irritating *cough**sniff**cough* bleh. other than that, life's been good. not much of highlights. just that a lot of my classmates get blue slips this week cos of competition.. soccer, dance, then there'll be netball.. oh, yesterday i went to the cross country finals. HOT! HUMID! TIRING! hmm, i'm not very sure how we fared cos i left early. but i know there were some tiffs over the boys a'div cos rj best boy was elbowing ac best boy.. right at the final leg where everyone can see. damn it man. and he was supposedly disqualified but i don't know how he managed to get qualified again. thinking shd be school politics. shan't go into that. all schs are great. learn to love all schs. btw, i'm not being sarcastic. seriously, we shd learn from all schs.. i think. ooh, i bought tickets for camelot. it's the biggest production for Acsian theatre. should be a great show cos my friends are performaning. and acsian theatre is quite a good theatre. that's y we are a theatre not ELDDS. haha.. sounds more prestigious. they really work darn hard. and i heard the dance instructor is super super strict. so must be a wonderful play. can't wait to watch it. (:

Monday, April 11, 2005 @7:36 PM

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Friday, April 08, 2005 @6:57 PM

A woman and a man got into a really bad car accident. Both cars are totaled, but luckily no one was hurt. After they crawled out of their cars, the woman said, "Wow, just look at our cars! They are destroyed. Fortunately, we aren't hurt. This must be a sign from God that we should meet and be friends and live together in peace for the rest of our days." The man replied, "I agree with you completely. This must be a sign from God! " The woman continued, "And look at this, here's another miracle.... My car is completely ruined but this bottle of wine didn't break. It's a sign that God wants us to drink this wine and celebrate our good fortune." Then she handed the bottle to the man. The man agreed, opened the bottle and drank half, and then handed it back to the woman. The woman takes the bottle, immediately puts the cap back on, and handed it back to the man. The man asked, "Aren't you having any?" The woman replied, "No. I think I'll just wait for the police"

hahaha.. oohoo.

yeah, it's been a busy week. I finally got the real taste of jc life. when there are meetings and stuff, the earliest I can get home is 6. but life's been good. been funfilled. I realized that though I got into my new class on monday, I haven't talked abt the new kids. Yeah, I'm the class rep and I'm fortunate to have two very responsible helpers, ruth and esther. This made life easier for me and lessen my load. My class is huge.. 28 people and about 9 oldies. The new people are rather nice, though a little loud.. so the class is normally quite noisy. Hopefully, the excitement cease soon, so that classes can function more effectively and teachers don't have to shout or scold us for being too loud. I'm reallly happy amaria got back into ahr. So happy. She's a cool friend.. and veliana also made it back. Yeah, that's y ahr is bursting. Hmm, it's actually not a good thing to have a large best class cos ah will lose its exclusiveness. same applies to ahb. Therefore, they should have open up a new ah.. say ahgold or ahyellow. But, then again, too many "best" classes, exclusiveness is lost again. blame it on too many smart dragon babies i guess. I hope ahr will bond better soon and let's try not to be too hung up on an old ahr. but i got to say my first 3 months would be the best time in jc life and ahr (jan-mar'05) will always be the best class i have ever been to. remember our gathering.. erm, 2 weeks time.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005 @7:35 PM

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care for a pumpkin pie?
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Tuesday, April 05, 2005 @3:38 PM

Heyz.. this is the reply made by a person regarding the thread that i posted on 'definitions of love'. I find his explanation pretty interesting.. read if you have the time.

The definition of love is a complicated issue so I will not attempt to discuss it. However, uncle_rico has created a thread about love already and I recommend visiting her thread if you are interested or confused on something.

Having some pride in yourself and what you do or have done is a good thing. It gives you self confidence and boosts your self esteem. But you should let go of it, at least some of it, when you are in a relationship. (Keep in mind I am not saying let go of all of it). The type of pride a person should get rid of is the type that makes a person believes he or she is right all the time. If you believe that you are right, that's good. You have your belief, I respect that. However, you should learn to accept or respect the other person's belief and opinions. Many people become defensive about stuff that is mentioned by the other person when it comes in conflict with their belief, which often results in arguments. That should not happen. Your special someone is not your boyfriend or girlfriend without a reason. Learn to respect their beliefs or opinions and trust that they will respect yours as well. When there is conflict, don't just listen; THINK about what they are saying. If you realize you are wrong, you have to be able to accept that and admit it. Your bf or gf will not laugh at you or look down on you if you admit you are wrong.

Trust is a key ingredient in relationship. Learn to trust the other person. Of course, I understand you are probably thinking that "hey, it is easy for you to say." I agree with that. It is easy to say than do. I will be blunt about this: if you cannot seem to trust who you are with, then either you are just not ready for any relationships or he/she is not the person for you to be with. Trust with friends can be given time to be formed. But having a boyfriend or girlfriend is a different thing. It is a must from the very beginning of a relationship. Why would you want to be with someone you cannot trust? You are truly committed to the relationship because you like the other person and trust them. So if they are out with their friends, let them be. Trust them to be doing the right thing. Don't call all the time asking where they are, what are they doing, and who are they with. Give them their freedom because relationship should not be a handcuff. If your girlfriend with another guy, that does not necessarily mean she is flirting with him or having sex with him. Trust her. Vice versa.

In an overall definition, jealousy is the sign of a lack of trust. You don't want the a person of the opposite sex, or sometimes even as worse as a person of the same sex, to be with your special someone because you are afraid that they might do something, such as cheating on you. But like I said in the topic above on trust, you need to learn to trust your boy or girl in not having any affairs with another person. If you cannot trust them no matter how hard you try, then like I mentioned, either you are not ready for a relationship or your guy or girl isn't the right person for you because sometimes it's their action or feelings that make you feel that way. There are however, an exception which I have personally been through that slightly modifies the definition of jealousy. You may trust them and know that they will not cheat on you, but still feel jealous. Why? And how? Simply because you like them so much (or sometimes because you are possessive) that you want them to show how much they like you back by giving their attention to you and not to others. You would want them to be with you and not with others. When you feel this way, it is ALWAYS best to talk to your partner about it and solve it together.

**This situation depends on you. If you do not accept what I'm about to say, it's okay**There are often situations that occur in which there are two friends who like the same person. It is understandable, that if you were involved in the situation as one of the two friends who like the same person, you would typically be caring for your friend and give up the person for him/her in order to keep the friendship. Just to make things easier, say you are the girl (sry guys =P ) and you and your other friend likes this guy. You gave him up because you did not want to hurt your friend, even though you like him a lot + he has shown interests in you. Is that the right thing to do? Before I answer that question, what is the definition of a TRUE friend? There is a complicated definition to it, but one part is that a true friend would want his/her friend to be happy and would have no regrets if that happens. Now lets see an example.

This is like a situation of two worms and one bird. The two worms have the same wish, which is to not get eaten (but in this case both people want to be with that third person). But in the eyes of the bird, all it is thinking about is, "I'm hungry. This one looks more appealing to me. I have more interest in this one." … or "Damn I'm one hungry, feathery mofo, I'll take both of you!" lol joking about the second part. But yes, as I have explained, it really depends on the other person too. If he has shown interest in your friend, then let them be together because you, as a true friend, would want her to be happy. But if he shows interest in you the same way you showed him, go for it. I know you are thinking that I just mentioned how a true friend would want his/her friend to be happy. But remember the last part. I said without regrets. If she is your true friend, she would be happy that you two are together happily and she would not be hurt, so don't feel bad about it. I know it sounds harsh, but if she is your true friend, she would want the best for you. And plus, if she acts all hurt and stuff, although it is understandable in a certain way, she needs to learn to grow up because... just because she likes him doesn't mean she can be with him. Would a relationship work if he has no interest in her? No. If people are not meant to be, then they just aren't. It's life, it’s the reality, deal with it and grow up.

Arghh... parents. More than often, parents will stand in you way with your special someone. They may not like your special someone and they may be critical of him or her. A good communication with your parents and his/her parents is always good. Show them how you feel and your parents should understand you and support you. But then of course, there are times in which your parents, or his/her parents, are very stubborn, protective, or unsupportive about the relationship you two are having.. or for whatever other reasons they are using. Tough it out. Don't let parents get in your way if you two like/love each other a lot. This may sound really wrong, and I'm sorry about it, but parents are not supposed to ruin your happiness. If they tell you that you cannot be with him or her without a good reason (such as he/she is doing drugs, breaking laws) then they are not being caring and supportive as parents should be. You have the right to be happy. It is your life in the future, not theirs. Do you really want them to ruin it for you? I am sure that they would want their son or daughter to live a happy and successful life in the future than a life with an abusive husband or uncaring wife. You like your bf or gf because you believe you have a chance with him/her in the future whether the chance is 100% or not and that he/she can take care of you and be there for you. So if your parents dislike your special someone without a good reason, tough it out. Eventually things will work out. Hope that they will understand and accept him/her over time. If they are still against it, I still think you two should stay together forever even though it is against their own will. I believe that in true love, there should be nothing that will stand between the two people.

Understanding ` Communication
Communication is very important in relationships. A relationship simple cannot succeed with a lack of communication... or good communication. Sometimes, it is not bad to be wordy. Give them details about certain stuff to prevent confusions and misunderstandings that may possibly occur later on. I'm not saying that you should tell your boy or girl everything. Would he want to know in detail about your period? Would she want to know how many times you’ve picked your nose today? I doubt it. I'm sure you get my point. Ladies, if you are feeling bad about something, tell him how you feel! Tell him whether he asked you or not about how you feel. Don't be a child and be like 'Oh he doesn't seem to care so I won't tell him unless he asks.' Don't do that! Homies, it's the same thing for you as well. It isn't a sign of weakness if you show your feelings or emotions. Keeping things within you is a nono. When your bf or gf tells you something, be sure to listen to them and understand why they are feeling that way. Listening is not good enough, you need to understand. For example: If your girl is supposed to be going to the library as she had told you but you find her with this other person, guy or girl, DON'T TRIP! Be PATIENT and RATIONAL and listen to their explanation first because the plan might have changed in the last second and she hasn't had a chance to tell you. Don't risk an argument for nothing.

You have to know, long distance relationship is a tough relationship. In normal relationships you can have your special someone with you physically. In long distance, he/she cannot be there all the time. Trust and patience are essential to long distance relationships. If you really love him/her, you will learn to be patient and stay in it. Nothing can stand between the two people if it's true love, not friends, family, or distance. Take this as a test in the strength of your relationship. If you can make it through, this is real. Both people must really love each other to have this relationship because this is a big commitment. It will not work if they just like each other. Why? Because the liking one another is not usually strong enough to overcome the loneliness from distance. The couple must be strong as well and believe in each other, that one day they will be together and never separate =)

quite sweet and detailed huh?

Sunday, April 03, 2005 @1:43 PM

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the hug must be a painful one..
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wow. escorting money. chicks can be tough too!
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is she trying to be nice or she just wanna touch him. looking at the guy's weeping face, it has to be the latter ):
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still at it? that's so wrong.. kids these days..
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girls are pretty initiative these days. eh, the guy seem quite pleased now >.< Image hosted by Photobucket.com
finally! pay back time. "time to show her what guys are made of!"

haha, these pics are just so cute, don't you think so?

Anyway, yesterday, I had this mentor training for entree council. it was quite meaningful as it just don't focus on entreprenuer skills cos he knows we will go through that when we are in uni. Instead, he tries to make us think "outside the box" (literally.. some game we played) and push us further. As in, try to think of ideas that others will not think of. Yeah, and we had to do some task.. trying to promote this course.. Well, i think it's quite a good course cos they give us exposure.. At the end of the course, we have a VCF.. whereby we pitch our product to a panel of businessmen or sth (i'm not sure abt this part.. wasn't very attentive) if i'm not wrong, VCF stands for venture capital fair? i'm not very sure.. haha.

I think my ccas are super constrast, which is a good thing, so there'll be a balance. Interact (community service) Vs Entree (business, entrepreneur)

RIP Pope John Paul II (2nd Apr 05) and Terri Schiavo (31st mar 05)

Friday, April 01, 2005 @4:34 PM

okok, it's not as bad as it is. Hmm, most of us are aware that the MOE is again changing some already-known-to-all news. They first said that the 1st 3 months would be scrapped and next year j1s will start school in mar instead. But BUt, now, they decided that it's not feasible and will continue with the 1st 3 months system. They are hoping to make some changes to the O levels (most probably shifting it forward) so that the results are out and school can function in january. So that'd probably need a few years, therefore prelims are still important until further notice is given.

You must be wondering.. why the heck would that affect me, since i'm already in j1. haha, big impact man. My school was supposedly starting in late jan whereby my promos would be held next year. And now, since there are 1st 3 mths, my promos are in oct this year. From late jan to early oct! see the impact?!!? that's y I feel cheated..lol. gave us lse hopes.. thinking that i can slack my j1 year, thus mug during the hols.

Alright, I got to know my classes today.. Eh, I'm still in 1ahr, which is a good thing. But there are only about 8 old ahr-ers, 4 moving up from aa1 and the rest are 2nd intakers. Maybe there would be a drift. i don't know. Hope they are great people, cos I need to spend 2 years with them. And I'm pretty sure they are smart asses. the 2nd intakers will probably have an l1r5 of below 9. So that means my class will turn really smart. ok, that will bring about pressure, then stress. Well, at least my good frens in class are staying. And my dear friend, veli, didn't realize that there's such a thing as AO Math, so she happily chose the AO math combi when she had a 1 for both maths. I think mrs creffield was all ready to listen to her appeal (back to ahr) cos she was like "so you are the girl. Yeah, sure, I'll put you back to ah" I have never seen such a blur girl man.. HAHA.. this lesson is classic. ;)

I read sth worth reflecting..
7 wonders of the world
A group of students were asked to list what they thought were the present "Seven Wonders of the World."

Though there were some disagreements, the following received the most votes:

1. Egypt's Great Pyramids

2. Taj Mahal

3. Grand Canyon

4. Panama Canal

5. Empire State Building

6. St. Peter's Basilica

7. China's Great Wall

While gathering the votes, the teacher noted that one student had not finished her paper yet. So she asked the girl if she was having trouble with her list.

The girl replied, "Yes, a little. I couldn't quite make up my mind because there were so many."

The teacher said, "Well, tell us what you have, and maybe we can help. "

The girl hesitated, then read, "I think the 'Seven Wonders of the World' are:

1. To See

2. To Hear

3. To Touch

4. To Taste

5. To Feel

6. To Laugh

7. And to Love."

A gentle reminder -- that the most precious things in life cannot be built by hand or bought by man. YUP (:


mgs acjc


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